Laser hair removal: how it works, costs and contraindications

Along with pulsed light, laser hair removal is one of the most effective techniques for one definitive hair removal able to remove hair permanently, making us forget painful waxing, uncomfortable razors and various other decidedly unpleasant hair removal methods forever.

Before proceeding, here are some small tips to prepare the skin for any type of hair removal and thus avoid irritation.

But what exactly does laser hair removal consist of? Here is all the useful information.

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How does laser hair removal work?

In laser hair removal, the hair is not torn: the root (or more precisely the follicle) is destroyed thanks to the laser beam. Its wavelength only attacks the hair bulb, without deteriorating any other skin structure. By absorbing the light produced by the laser, melanin, the pigment responsible for the color of the hair, heats up to more than 60 ° C and destroys the hair follicle. Result: the latter will no longer produce hair.

A natural scrub to prepare the skin for laser treatment!

Before proceeding with this type of treatment, you should make sure you clean and moisturize your skin thoroughly. A natural scrub is the right and easiest way to do this. Choose it with coffee, perfect for particularly dry skin and to combat the imperfections of cellulite. In the following video you will find the recipe to make it at home!

Geomar Thalasso Scrub

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Discover the best natural body scrubs at YES: Ysabella
After hair removal, it is essential to soothe the skin: buy the natural Aloe gel for € 10.80

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Features and benefits of laser hair removal

Laser hair removal is almost painless - at most it can cause a feeling of discomfort, similar to a needle prick, or strong heat.

Each laser pulse acts on an area of ​​approximately two square centimeters. Both the beautician or the aesthetic doctor and the patient must wear glasses to protect the eyes from laser rays.

You should avoid waxing, removing hair with tweezers or bleaching it a month before laser hair removal. It will also be necessary to shave the hair two days of the session: you will avoid wasting the energy absorbed by the hair.

You do not get rid of the hair in one go: it is advisable to carry out 5 to 10 treatments, a variability that depends on the age, the type of skin and the characteristics of the hair. The duration of the session varies from 15 minutes to 4 hours , depending on the area to be treated.

In general, side effects are rare and temporary. Any redness lasts a few days, also because the now perfected and avant-garde techniques have made it possible to develop highly qualified treatments.

Definitely much less painful than hot wax and Arab wax, more effective than depilatory creams and electric epilators, laser hair removal has a number of advantages: in addition to being painless, it promotes a reduction in the quantity and diameter of the hair, as well as a slow regrowth, if not nonexistent thanks to the "total elimination. The important thing is to respect the precautions indicated above and undergo an adequate number of sessions."
As the treatments are performed, in fact, the hair grows back less quickly (from 4 weeks at the beginning to several months later) and increasingly thinner. Considering the effectiveness and the advantage of being painless, this technique is often chosen by women for a total depilation of the private parts, an increasingly popular habit.

Laser hair removal: contraindications

Laser hair removal does not work on hair, only on thick, pigmented hair.
The thicker and darker the hair, the more effective the laser will be. This is why it is recommended to do it in areas such as groin, armpits and legs, where the hair is usually thicker and black in color.

Laser hair removal does not work on blonde, white, red or bleached hair, i.e. hair that does not contain melanin. It is also not recommended to expose yourself to the sun after the treatments, for this reason it would be good to undergo it in the winter period, avoiding problems and possible contraindications.

Always for the same reason, it would always be good to do a small test on a small surface, not very exposed, to ascertain the effects of the laser on your skin type.

Laser hair removal is not recommended on black or mixed skin, given the risks of depigmentation.

Laser hair removal should be performed very carefully if the skin has many moles, which can still be protected before carrying out the treatment.
In theory it is possible to do laser hair removal even during pregnancy. However, as the pregnant woman's skin becomes more sensitive, this treatment may be bothersome.
Finally, laser hair removal should not be performed when the skin is irritated (including acne) or tanned. For the latter reason, since it takes some time to get optimal results, it is best to start the treatment in the autumn-winter period, to arrive prepared for summer and be able to safely expose yourself to the sun.

Is laser hair removal truly definitive?

Although laser hair removal is considered definitive, it must be remembered that it eliminates about 80% of the hairs on the treated areas and that there will still be light and thin hairs. In any case, by carrying out maintenance sessions, the remaining skins will become increasingly sparse and thin: the skin will remain smooth for longer and longer, without being irritated by waxing or shaving which, as we know, can cause cuts and ingrown hairs.

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Laser hair removal: prices and number of sessions

The costs of laser hair removal are not exactly cheap, but much lower than the prices of previous years. If in fact, long ago, there were even around dizzying costs, even 400-600 euros for legs and arms, now they are significantly reduced.

Usually between 30 and 50 euros are requested for the smaller areas, including groin, mustache and armpits, and 80-100 euros for the larger parts, including legs and arms. It must also be said that for each area of ​​these mentioned above, at least 8-10 sessions are required. For the mustache and armpits, 5 sessions may also be sufficient, but it depends on the type of skin and coat.

10 minutes Arabian waxing: the do-it-yourself recipe
  • sugar
  • lemon
  • water
  • salt
  • honey

Moreover, today, it is possible to remove unwanted hair even at home with pulsed light epilators to be purchased for use at home.
The model proposed by Imetec is available on Amazon for about 80 €

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