Invagination: symptoms, causes and remedies of intestinal vaginitis

What is intestinal intussusception or invaginitis?

Intestinal invagination, or intestinal invaginitis, consists in the penetration of a segment of the intestine into the adjacent tract, generally of a lower part that overflows into the upper one. The first consequence of this pathology is intestinal obstruction.

Unfortunately, invagination, in addition to being widespread in adults, also affects very young children, between three months and one year of age.

The intestinal tract in which it occurs most often is that in which the small intestine joins the large intestine, but it can also occur in other locations.

Invagination in adults and children: the causes of intestinal invaginitis

Intestinal invagination is the consequence of an inflammation of the abdominal lymph nodes that occurs following a viral disease or the presence of a tumor, or even the inflammation of Meckel's diverticulum.

In adults it is generally a secondary pathology, mainly linked to the presence of tumors protruding from the intestine.

In children, however, it is quite frequent and linked to the change in diet that occurs between three months of life and a year, in which the infant switches from a liquid-based diet to the intake of solid foods. in these cases, it is due to the contact of food with the intestinal wall still not accustomed to this type of introduction. Nothing particularly serious, then.

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What are the symptoms of intestinal intussusception and what are the dangers involved?

Children with ongoing invaginitis cry and fidget several times and, above all, abdominal, swelling in the right side of the abdomen, diarrhea.

Invagination leads to blocking the passage of blood into the intestinal tract which, consequently, goes into necrosis. At that point, surgery will be necessary.

Food that fails to flow into the intestinal tract will accumulate causing a distension of the intestinal loops which, if not taken promptly, can break, resulting in peritonitis or hypovolemic shock.

The remedies for intestinal invaginitis: diagnosis and treatment of intussusception

In order to diagnose "intestinal invaginitis it is necessary to proceed with an" ultrasound scan or with a barium enema, the latter treatment which can also serve as a cure, bringing the leaked segment back to its natural position thanks to an enema.

Generally, invagination is treated with an immediate surgical intervention with which to restore the original position of the intestine.

Other times, however, we proceed with the introduction of a mixture of barium under pressure via the rectum. The barium introduced into the colon fills it and compresses the invaginated portion of the small intestine, returning it to its place.

In general, if the intussusception is treated in the first two days from when it occurs, it heals perfectly and without collateral damage: timeliness is everything, it is a pathology to be treated urgently. If the intussusception has been removed by surgery, it is unlikely that it will recur.

Invagination in the child: when intestinal invaginitis affects the little ones

If you are afraid that your baby may be suffering from intestinal "intestinal invaginitis, look for the following symptoms: abdominal pain and colic; green vomiting; presence of gas; stopping of stools.

In the presence of these symptoms, do not hesitate to consult your doctor, your pediatrician or a specialist directly, to avoid a late diagnosis that could be fatal.

After a possible surgical intervention, which can have different entities based on the severity of the intussusception, the child is kept under observation and discharged after 4-5 days.

Once discharged, the child should observe rest from physical activities and follow a regular and controlled diet. With your affection she will recover quickly, because the power of a mother over her child is incredible ...

For more information on intussusception, you can consult the MSD Manual site

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