The tai chi

The origin
According to some sources, tai-chi-chuan has been around for about 500 years. It was used by Chinese warriors during training, to develop the qualities necessary for combat (concentration, calm, balance).
Halfway between martial art and gentle gymnastics, it is very popular in Asia and is becoming increasingly popular in the West.
Defined as "a meditation in motion" or "an active relaxation", it aims to achieve a state of inner tranquility by remaining in motion.

Unlike most martial arts, tai chi does not dictate specific attire. To feel comfortable and make large movements, the ideal is to choose a pair of wide and light trousers, and comfortable shoes.
This art combines precise movements (a hundred in all: undulations, rotations, stretching parry, push, press, pull ...) to breathing control methods. The movements are faced with great rigor and slowness and are inspired by some fighting techniques. They follow one another harmoniously with more or less long and complex sequences.
Discipline of Qi (energy in Chinese), tai chi involves work on internal energy, not on external muscle strength. All movements start from the center of the body, seat of vital energy: a punch, for example, comes from the waist, not from the arm or shoulder. The feet are rooted to the ground, the body is constantly pulled upwards, the head straight, the nape taut. The muscles are used in a coordinated way. Relaxation is essential and allows you to loosen up your movements.

Various types of practice:
- alone, fight against an imaginary opponent: forms the basis of all work and is good for everyone, thanks to its interactions with relaxation, health and meditation;
- in two, the push of the hands (tuishou) is more playful, allows you to apply the movements in their martial aspect, and develops the partner's listening qualities;
- finally, the use of weapons (sword, saber, fan, stick, rod ...), considered as an extension of the body, it favors the full development of the ego.

Closely linked to the energetic principles of Chinese medicine, tai chi first seeks the well-being of the person: the imaginary enemies against which it fights symbolize illness and stress.
- It allows those who practice it to better circulate energy, to mobilize it and use it to relax, focus on themselves and defend themselves. Thanks to concentration and perseverance, one learns to overcome one's aggression and agitation and to face all kinds of situations serenely.
- By promoting the circulation of energy, improving elasticity and stimulating the functioning of vital organs, it is established as a discipline of longevity.
- Thanks to the shifting of weight from one foot to the other, the sense of balance also improves.
- In general, it helps to be aware of one's body scheme, and to coordinate movements.

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