How to choose nail polish: 6 tips to make no mistake!

Enamel is an often underestimated detail that can, however, give a final touch to our look, enriching it with personality and character. Just like an accessory or a dress that you choose to show off, in fact, nail polish communicates something about us and our mood and can help us make our outfit flawless and unique. But how to choose the right nail polish? First of all it must be said that there are no strict rules to be respected but only guidelines to guide us in the best choice and show off the nail polish color and finish that best suit us, able to perfectly enhance our hands and our look. As we said, however, nail polish is also an expression of oneself, so feel free to opt for the colors and finishes you prefer based on the moment and your mood. If, on the other hand, you want to be guided in the choice for an impeccable result, below we suggest 6 useful tips to choose the most suitable nail polish color for you based on several factors, including the shape and length of the nails, the color of the complexion. and the occasion.

Before proceeding further, we point out a video showing everything you need to apply a semi-permanent nail polish, a type of photo-curing nail polish, halfway between the gel reconstruction and the common nail polish, able to guarantee an impeccable seal and more. long lasting without damaging the nails.

Discover all the enamel colors on offer on Amazon

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How to choose the color of the nail polish

As anticipated, in order to choose the most suitable nail polish color for us, it is necessary to take into consideration some factors that can help us to make the most of our hands and our outfit. Color is undoubtedly the most important requirement, but it is not the only one: the finish also plays a central role. Matte, metallic, glossy, glitter, pearl: there are different finishes we have available, each of which allows us to suggest different effects based on your look, mood or personal taste. Regarding the type of nail polish - normal, semi-permanent or gel - let yourself be guided by your preferences, first of all evaluating your needs and requirements.

So here are 6 useful tips to choose the perfect nail polish for us, taking into account both the color and the finish.

© Pinterest / Choose the nail polish: the glitter nail polish

1. First of all, evaluate the shape and length of your nails

First thing to do: pay attention to your hands. Look at your fingers and the shape and length of your nails. Nail polish can go a long way in correcting minor imperfections, such as not very tapered fingers and short nails. A key thing to know is that light and bright colors tend to enlarge, while darker ones shrink. This little rule applies to any aspect of make-up, so you can also take it into account when choosing eye shadows and lipsticks.The same concept also applies to the finish: the brighter finishes such as metal, glitter and pearly are undoubtedly the most suitable for those who need to enlarge their nails and suggest the lengthening effect. In this sense, as well as on color and finish, we can also count on how to apply the nail polish: it is better not to spread it all over the nail, but concentrate it in the central part, leaving a few millimeters of nail free on the sides.

But what are the most suitable colors for those with short nails? Without a doubt, all the lighter and brighter shades: perfect then pastel colors (lilac, pastel roses, mint green, melon and light blue) and lively and pop shades, such as yellow, fuchsia, orange, bright purple and bright green. If you want to opt for dark colors, try to choose them in the brightest finishes: metal and glitter, avoiding the matte version. Another option could be to apply the dark nail polish with a matte finish and then apply a coat of transparent nail polish with glitter: it helps to illuminate and enlarge.

See also: Serenity blue nail polish: the most chic and bon ton pastel color!

© Pinterest Serenity blue nail polish: the most chic pastel color of the moment!

Buy Essie Blue Nail Polish on Amazon for € 7.95

If you have short nails and small fingers, light gray, pearly white and nude are not exactly ideal, as, although light shades, they are a bit dull. Even in this case, however, there is a trick: especially for the flesh color, you can choose very bright finishes or the same transparent nail polish, very shiny and bright.

Do not fear for the classics: red can be safely flaunted, preferably in the shiny and metal versions and in its lighter and brighter shades.

See also: Red nail polish: all the shades of the most loved color ever!

© Pinterest / Red nail polish: all the shades of the most loved color ever!

Check out the best red nail polish options on offer on Amazon

2. Choose the most suitable nail polish color according to your complexion

The color of the complexion is also an important factor to consider in order to show off the perfect nail polish. The general rule is to choose by assonance and not by contrast, therefore: light tone on light skin, dark tone on dark skin. In reality, there are contrasting matches that create a truly fascinating mix, such as nude nail polish on tanned or very dark skin and burgundy or burgundy nail polish on diaphanous skin.

See also: Nude manicure: all the chicest shades of nail polish with a natural effect!

© Pinterest / Nude manicure: all shades of natural effect nail polish

You can also play on the undertones of the skin - warm or cold - and not just the hue. So opt for warm, luminous colors on warm undertone complexions and cooler, duller shades for cool undertone skins. Green light therefore to warm greens, rust, brown, burgundy, mud and gold for complexions with warm undertones, while red, blue, black, gray, purple and silver are perfect for those with a cold undertone. Obviously, finishes can also help us in this sense: the brightest metal and glitter will best enhance the skin with warm undertones, while the matte finish, more opaque and decisive, will perfectly enhance the cold undertones.

3. Also pay attention to the season and time of year

Another criterion to consider is the time of year and the season you are in. For example, in summer or spring, it is easier to feel the need to show off delicate shades and bright colors, while in autumn they are perfect. its classic colors: mustard, pumpkin color, brown, mud and dark green. Winter then, in addition to the dark shades of burgundy, burgundy, burgundy and intense and decisive browns, also brings with it the atmosphere of Christmas and end-of-year parties, with sparkling and bubbly nail art that draw on shades of red, blue, gold and silver.

See also: Christmas nails: here are the most beautiful nail art inspired by Christmas!

© Pinterest Christmas nails: here are the most beautiful nail art inspired by Christmas!

4. A look also at the outfit

A little look at the outfit that is shown off certainly does not hurt, but pay attention to the pendant effect that can be kitschy and not very elegant. In fact, it is better to combine colors that blend well with each other and create a sophisticated and original mix, rather than choosing the same color for make-up, clothes and accessories.
In this case, therefore, you can opt for an enamel color that recalls your garment, shoes or bag, or a color that plays harmoniously with all the colors you are showing off. For example, the effect color mixes such as purple-yellow, mustard-teal, dove-burgundy, pink-gold and beige-blue are perfect, just to name a few.

Then remember that you can focus on passe-partout colors, always very original and full of charm, to show off on any occasion and with every outfit: red, nude, black and burgundy. Even blue and gray can be considered evergreens in all respects, but make sure they go well with your outfit.

© Pinterest / Choose the nail polish: the dark nail polish

5. Choose the nail polish also according to the occasion

Just like the time of year, the specific occasion we find ourselves in can make a difference. In general, any color you choose can be considered suitable for any occasion, as long as it is combined intelligently and with measure. For example, a glitter nail polish can be easily worn during the day and in the office, if combined with a casual and not too demanding look, indeed it could create a sophisticated and original mix full of style and personality. Similarly, pop and eccentric colors can make a simple and sober outfit definitely more original and full of character. If your look is rather full and showy, opt for a classic nail polish or in soft colors, or the timeless red, always a guarantee.

More attention, on the other hand, for special occasions such as ceremonies, weddings, parties and Christmas or New Year dinners. In these situations, enamel plays an essential role and it is good to choose it carefully. Always let yourself be inspired by the rule of measure and pay attention to the outfit you show off; however, do not give up on expressing your personality and your taste, preferring colors and shades that you like and make you feel at ease.

© Pinterest / Choose the nail polish: the glitter nail polish

6. Be inspired by your mood and personality

As already mentioned, enamel also responds to an "expressive need. Often, in fact, the color you choose tells something about us and our state of mind." Far from wanting to fall into easy commonplaces, it is however true that in general the lovers of a sober style with a chic touch will undoubtedly love delicate and soft colors or the timeless evergreens. The more extroverted and expansive ones, on the other hand, will range more easily between pop colors and strong and eccentric shades while the lovers of the darker taste will not be able to do without the classic dark enamels, burgundy, burgundy and black above all.

In addition to personality, mood can also play a decisive role in choosing the nail polish to show off. Communicating one's moods through the look, accessories and nail polish is in fact a nice way to talk about oneself with creativity and style.

Have fun taking this test to find the most suitable nail polish color for you based on your personality!

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