Phrases for best friends: the most beautiful to dedicate

"There are two things you can't get enough of: good friends and good shoes", so spoke Carrie Bradshow, the protagonist of the TV series who more than any other celebrated the value of female friendship. And how can you blame her for the rest? A simple and ironic phrase that embodies an absolute truth.

Rare and precious like a flower in the desert or a light in the dark, friendship between women is a real treasure to be kept, as well as a garden to be cultivated over time with commitment, care and lots of love. sincere there is no need to speak, but rather looks of complicity and gestures of understanding that dictate rules, it is equally essential to remind ourselves that unexpected words of affection and esteem can fall off like sweet symphonies capable of fortifying bonds that are already taken for granted. and established, and make them even more stainless and rich. So why not dedicate special phrases to our partner in crime to remind her of how much she matters to you and to your life?

If you feel the need to show your affection to a "special friend, you want to send her a sweet thought at a particular moment or some alternative and original birthday wishes, here are some perfect phrases to dedicate to some really special best friends to thank them for theirs. You can start from these romantic phrases full of poetry that would move even the most cynical best friend forever.

Phrases for best friends: ideas and inspirations for a personal thought

I always know where to look since you are here. Sister, friend, kindred soul. You are among the best things that have ever happened to me. I love you my friend

I will never be able to thank life for giving me you: the sister I never had, the friend I always hoped to meet. Thanks for everything.

I always had a certainty, even in the most difficult moments: that you were my shoulder and I yours. I will always be here, for anything. Your best friend

You are my person. Everything can change, but you are always here, by my side. And me to yours. Together we are stronger. I love you my sweet friend

Where would we be now if we hadn't met? Maybe looking for us out there. Well, who cares. We met, that's what counts. I love you so much!

You're my Thelma, and I'm your Louise. All time!

Years pass, but you always remain my crazy and sweetest friend of the heart. Never change. Happy Birthday my friend!

On this special day, I wish you to achieve everything you want and more. I will always be here, cheering for you, fighting with you and laughing at everything. Happy birthday my dear!

See also

How to recognize fake friends

The questions to ask the best friend to get to know her thoroughly

Happy birthday love quotes: the most beautiful to dedicate on your special day

The most beautiful phrases and famous quotes to dedicate to best friends

Best friends are sisters you choose for yourself.
Eustache Deschamps

A special friend is one who knows everything about you and despite this she likes you.
Elbert Hubbard

The friends that matter are the ones you can call at 4am.
Marlene Dietrich

Friends deserve it. And it is necessary to always deserve them, relentlessly, running the risk of contradicting them and losing them every day.
George Bernanos

Friendship is born when one person says to another: What? You too? I thought I was the only one.
C.S. Lewis

Friendship between women is different from that between men. We talk about different things. We dig deep. We go further, even if we haven't seen each other for years. Symbiotic hormonal exchanges take place between women. Without my female friends, I don't know where I would be now. We need to understand and help each other.
Jane Fonda

Make only one friend, but choose her carefully.
Muriel Barbery

Your best friend can tell you things that you don't even want to say to yourself.
Frances Ward Weller

My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me
Henry Ford

Friendship, like the immortality of the soul, is too beautiful to be believed.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

True friends grab almost everything in an instant. They compete to understand each other and live in a world without lies.
Banana Yoshimoto

Each friend represents a world within us, a world that would eventually not have been born without her arrival, and it is only thanks to this meeting that a new world is born.
Anaïs Nin

A true friend is the one who takes you by the hand and touches your heart.
Gabriel Garcia Márquez

True friends are like the stars; you can only recognize them when it is dark around you.
Bob Marley

A friend knows the melody of our heart and sings it when we forget the words.
C.S. Lewis

My best friend is like a guardian angel, she supports me and is there when I cry, she smiles and rejoices when I am happy. My best friend is like a star, present even when I don't see her ... My best friend is you!
Stephen Littleword

Friends do not simply live in harmony, as some say, but in melody.
Henry David Thoreau

There are moments, in days that are too crooked and too equal, in which only friends have the power to put some part of us back on our feet that has stumbled into exasperation
Annalena Benini

A friend opens your heart and throws you handfuls of light.
Fabrizio Caramagna

The language of friendship is not made up of words but of meanings.
Henry David Thoreau

I believe, moreover, that friendship can be compared to a successful dance figure, it takes a lot of momentum and a lot of control, a lot of energy and a lot of delicacy, a lot of words and a lot of silences and above all a lot of respect.
Marguerite Yourcenar

Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.
Helen Keller

Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity.
Kahlil Gibran

She is a friend who always guesses the moment when we need her.
Jules Renard

See also: The most beautiful phrases on friendship: aphorisms and quotes to dedicate

© WeHeartIt The most beautiful phrases about friendship

The most beautiful verses of songs that celebrate friendship

Time passes by, we will wait here between one secret and another, trust me, I will trust you! Spend hours talking and telling each other about us, I'm close to you, you'll never be alone.
What a friend you are, Giorgia

And remember that as long as you live a friend is the truest thing you have.
It is the companion of the greatest journey you make.
A friend is something that never dies.
A friend is like that, Laura Pausini

A friendship is also beautiful because it binds us yes but without using chains, it holds us together, if anything, more.
Personal Affections, Eros Ramazzotti

I know you are there, you know you are there if you need me! The friend you have has never been denied, for better or for worse! If there is something left, I share with you.
The friend you have, Biagio Antonacci

When friendship crosses your heart, an emotion arises that does not go away. I can't tell you how but it only happens when two people fly together. Which takes us up, beyond other people, like taking a leap into immensity. And there is no distance, there is not enough if you are already inside me, forever.
The things that you live, Laura Pausini

Tags:  Marriage Lifestyle Old-Couple