Is there an age when it would be more appropriate to stop being late at night?

Our life is hectic, we know it, it goes to a thousand, faster than light: it is let loose and consumed all over the weekends, which have perhaps become more hectic than the week itself. "Doing nothing" becomes an unusual privilege to which not all of us are willing to yield. But how much energy does it take to go out - friends - shopping - glass of wine - evening - five in the morning - elbows too high etc.? Evidently a lot ...
Some of us have a lot of it, like her:

But this is not the case for everyone, on the contrary, for many people there is a limit, a threshold determined by our psychic and then physical resistance. According to a recently conducted analysis, 46% of adults prefer the comfort of home to going out in the evening, 22% cannot bear the anxiety of having to prepare for the evening, while 12% find the search for a babysitter tiring. 29% confess that they are no longer able to cope with hangover.

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But what is the right age to "quit"?

From this analysis, carried out on a sample of 5000 adults, it appears that the right age to stop partying and stay crouched on the sofa is 37, the time to say no and take care of yourself. The body and mind need to relax and not to consume other precious energies in evening raids. In the end you choose not to fall asleep with your head in the drink but on your pillow. The question ... what's wrong? Isn't it healthier and more natural?

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So what do you do when the cards on the table change?

The point is: how do 37-year-olds "at home" relax? Most of them stay on social media, to live the virtual life of others, never mind Even if it occurs to us that we have much more: choosing a good book, watching a movie, going out for a simple craving for ice cream or ... dedicating ourselves to something hotter! Sometimes you just need to turn up the volume ...

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