What to do in case of nocturnal leg cramps in pregnancy

Physical ailments in pregnancy are widespread phenomena, especially when it comes to sleep quality. In particular, they increase during the third trimester, when the belly has a significant volume and the date of delivery is approaching. One of the "culprits" of these poor sleep is the night cramp, and today we will see the causes that trigger it and how to treat it. But first, watch this video and take note of our tips for insomnia in pregnancy!

What are cramps in pregnancy

Cramps in pregnancy are generally very common pains in pregnant women.
These are involuntary and sudden contractions of a muscle and cause pain, sometimes acute, in the affected area. In most episodes, the spasms mainly involve the legs, and specifically the calves, thighs and feet.
They occur in particular during the last trimester of gestation and at night, affecting both the quality of sleep and the mother's life during the day.

Fortunately, cramps of this kind disappear in a short time (a few minutes); so if you are suffering from it, know that it is certainly a transitory phenomenon and that although alarming, it should not cause particular concern. Let's deepen the topic a little more and understand why these pains appear in pregnancy.

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The causes of the pains

Even those women who had never suffered from involuntary spasms before, now find themselves having to deal with it. Why?

Cramps in pregnancy can be caused by a number of factors and some are still unknown, but medicine has identified some evidence: electrolyte imbalances and reduced venous circulation, typical of this particular period of a woman's life.
It is during the pregnant woman that a mother can have a deficit of precious mineral salts, such as potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium and phosphorus. The quantity present in the woman's body must be increased by taking specific supplements or by changing eating habits.

Furthermore, those who are expecting a baby tend to have a slowdown in blood circulation because the level of progesterone in pregnant women is very high.
Combined with this there is also the factor of body weight, which gradually increases and with its growth it hinders the circulation of blood right at the height of the lower limbs.

Other causes of nocturnal cramps can also be the lack of physical activity of the pregnant woman and some structural causes, such as flat feet and those who have suffered in the past from irritation of the lumbar nerve roots (sciatica).

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How to behave in the acute phases

When you feel pain it is important to remain calm, remembering that spasms are common and not alarming; later you can think about asking your partner for help to help you relieve the discomfort. Let's find out how.

Surely one of the things to do to relieve pain in acute phases is to stretch the muscle that has been affected. A massage on the affected area will be enough to reactivate the circulation (this is why the role of your partner will be fundamental, at the end of gestation it will be a bit difficult for you to reach the lower extremities of your body while lying down!).
If you feel pain in the foot or calf, the technique of placing the hand under the sole of the foot and flexing the toes upwards may also be useful. Finally, if you have no one next to you at that moment, get out of bed and try to walk a little The horizontal position one assumes at night to sleep further hinders the return of blood to the lower peripheries of your body.

Uterus pains in conjunction with leg discomfort
It often happens that together with nocturnal cramps you feel pains in the uterus, why does it happen? Your body is finding a balance that allows it to test its ability to contract and release it. Also in these cases so do not panic, they are just contractures painless in nature that can be controlled by modifying the diet with some supplements.

These were some strategies you can adopt to feel better immediately, when the night cramp is in its most painful stages, but there are treatments that can help prevent the onset of these annoying spasms.

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The most effective treatments

As already mentioned in the previous paragraphs, leg cramps in pregnancy tend to self-resolve in the short term, however there are activities and assumptions that can combat their appearance.

1. Before going to bed, do some leg stretching, it will help your muscles not to contract too many times during your restful sleep.

2. Use mineral supplements. Normally there is no drug therapy to treat cramps in pregnancy, but some special supplements can be useful to restore salt levels. Talk to your doctor or gynecologist, she will prescribe you to take some magnesium, which has proved to be the most effective in counteracting cramps in pregnant women.

3. After a consultation with the doctor, you can use graduated compression elastic stockings, medical devices designed to help venous blood to go back to the heart and therefore to improve circulation in these affected parts.

Cramps are symptoms of our body, which warns us that something is wrong. Although this type of pain is mostly harmless, it is always correct to contact your gynecologist so that he can rule out some imbalances of a postural nature or related to the metabolism that require in-depth studies.
Avoid self-treatment to safeguard your health and that of the fetus you carry in your belly.

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Prevent cramps in pregnancy with a correct lifestyle

If you usually suffer from leg cramps during gestation, it is advisable to change some lifestyle habits, including nutrition and motor activity.

It is true that the precise cause of this discomfort is not yet 100% known, but we have listed above what affects the manifestation of this symptom the most, including some mineral imbalances and a sedentary lifestyle. In the last months of gestation the baby is now big and presses more and more on your vena cava, which is the one designated to return the venous blood from the peripheral areas to the heart. Your muscles get less oxygen and cramps appear.

Help yourself by adopting a healthy lifestyle from the first weeks of gestation that includes a minimum of physical activity to keep your body in motion and a healthy and balanced diet.
Remember that as the weeks go by and as the birth approaches, your body will undergo major transformations that will inevitably stress it: allow it to function in the best possible way simply by taking daily walks and practicing targeted exercises for pregnant women; some minute a day will suffice.

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For example, swimming is very good for both you and the fetus, because not only is it a relaxing activity, but from a chemical point of view, this sport increases the oxygenation of the maternal blood which is transmitted to the baby in the belly. Translated: better nourishment for him and more relaxation for you!
If swimming isn't your thing, you can opt for some preventative muscle stretching exercise that always promotes blood circulation.
Another tip to favor the disappearance of cramps is to avoid very hot places and to stay a long time in the sun, as well as not standing for long periods and / or sitting for too long.
If you are at the end of 9 months and the expected date of delivery is in the summer, it can be useful to let your feet and calves breathe: wear low and comfortable shoes, but for this year, leave the low sandals alone! support your weight well and support you so as not to exacerbate the already perennial back pain of the last trimester of gestation.
And finally, if you are in bed or relaxing in front of the TV, but your feet tingle, unblock the pressure as much as possible by raising your legs a little, perhaps putting a chair in front of you (in the case of the television).

As you can see, the key to everything is the moderation and attention that you must have towards you throughout your pregnancy. Only in this way will you not expose your baby and yourself to unnecessary annoyances.

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Preventing pregnancy cramps at the dinner table

From the moment you took the pregnancy test and found out you were pregnant, you had to make changes to your diet right from the start. It is part of the role of a mother to be a careful woman towards who is our responsibility, so we do not think it will be difficult for you to hold on and respect some simple rules at the table for your well-being and for that of the child you are waiting for.

A healthy diet is not only essential for a peaceful pregnancy and for a correct development of the fetus, but it is a valid help to reduce the frequency of cramps in pregnancy.
Always remember to drink a lot of water, to avoid possible dehydration and combine the increase of fluids with foods rich in those substances you are lacking, such as mineral salts.

For example, some allied foods to combat the disorder are bananas, green leafy vegetables, pistachios, legumes, cereals, dried fruit and some dairy products. Other foods that contain a good amount of potassium, magnesium and calcium are whole grains, wheat bran, plums, dried tomatoes, parsley, basil, sage and bitter chocolate.

Lastly, we would like to underline the importance for a pregnant woman of not skipping meals or arriving in the evening with an excessive feeling of tiredness.

Tags:  Women-Of-Today Love-E-Psychology Parenthood