Dreaming of flowers - meanings and interpretations

"A life without dreams is like a garden without flowers."

The dream world always fascinates with its many facets. One of the most complex dreams to interpret is the one with flowers as protagonists. These natural elements, so beautiful and joyful to be seen, take on a different meaning depending on how they appear to the dreamer. A single minutia can change the interpretation of the dream. In general, flowers are associated with positive emotions and feelings, which can range from joy to the will to live to the purest and most innocent love. However, for many of them they are also the symbol of the sexual aspect, with the various distinctions between the female and male reproductive organs.

Given this ambivalence, we have chosen to reveal the meaning of the most common dreams in which flowers appear.

The symbolism of flowers in dreams and beyond

Normally, both in dreams and in various artistic works, be they literary or belonging to the figurative arts, flowers are a purely positive symbol, which can take on different interpretations. However, there are also more pessimistic and melancholic meanings, which lead back the flower to the transience of life and beauty, ready to wither at any moment without warning. Here, therefore, are some meanings that flowers take on in Western symbology and beyond, which can also be reported in the interpretation of dreams.

  • Positive feelings: a flower that blooms or in its full splendor represents happy and alive emotions and feelings in the soul of the dreamer.
  • Beauty: flowers are always associated with something beautiful, so much so that they become a symbol par excellence.
  • Ingenuity, youth and innocence: the bud of a flower not yet hatched indicates the experiences still to be made, but also the purity of childhood or virginity.
  • Growth and Inner Development: A flower that is opening can represent someone's personal growth. In this case, the dreamer is having positive experiences that are enriching him, manifesting himself in this way during sleep.
  • Caducity: as already mentioned, the flower is also a symbol of the transience of youth and life, because it is destined to wither after a short time.
  • Sexual desire: many have often linked the image of the flower to that of the sexual organs. A blossoming flower would represent that of every woman, while the pistil would become a sign of the male member. Taken back to the world of dreams, this interpretation would see a sexual impulse at times repressed by the dreamer, who tries to make his way through the unconscious.

See also

Dreaming of children - meanings and interpretations

Dreaming of fish - meanings and interpretations

Dreaming of horses - meanings and interpretations

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Dreaming of colorful flowers

If you dream of colored flowers, it is essential to combine the general meaning of the symbolism of the flower with what the various colors represent. In fact, whether they are flowers, inanimate objects, fish and other animals, the main element of the dream is to be subordinated to the meaning hidden behind each color.

  • White flowers: they are the symbol of purity and innocence. They correspond to disinterested desires and feelings.
  • Red flowers: they are the sign of strong emotions, such as energy and vital energy, love and passion. However, they can also be associated with negative feelings, such as anger and rage.
  • Pink flowers: they indicate pure love, devoid of the sensual note, which can be that towards family or friends. Moreover, this color also represents serenity and balance.
  • Yellow flowers - synonymous with joy, life force and also the desire to show yourself to others. Like the red ones, however, even the yellow ones can have a negative meaning because they are also linked to envy and jealousy.
  • Orange flowers: this color signifies both eternal love and the most powerful emotions sometimes destructive such as anger. Thus, these flowers have become a sign of the union of spiritual forces and passions.
  • Blue flowers: blue is the color of spirituality, childhood and serenity. For this reason, blue flowers are a symbol of the most positive and tender feelings.
  • Purple flowers: they have a controversial meaning. On the one hand, purple is the hue that indicates mourning, grief and passivity. On the other, it represents mystery, charm and mysticism.

The various types of flowers that appear in dreams

It may happen that in a dream you do not see "simple flowers" but that you recognize the species. In fact, every type of flower has long been linked to a meaning even outside the dream world. When you want to give a bouquet of flowers, you generally choose based on what you want to say and communicate with that gesture. Some flowers, such as roses, are a symbol of passionate love and more, others of the deepest friendship and still others of pure and lasting affection over time. The same happens in dreams.

  • Rose: depending on the color it takes on different shades of meaning, but essentially indicates true love and can represent a positive turning point within the relationship.
  • Calla: flower of friendship, but also of consolation. It is the sign of friends ready to be close to the dreamer in case of difficulty.
  • Lotus flower: symbol of personal growth. of a person's spiritual sphere and the need to focus on himself and his own goals.
  • Lilies: always a sign of purity and innocence, dreaming of these flowers could be both a desire to return to youth and a lack of passion in the relationship of love that is being lived.
  • Lavender: indicates the dreamer's need to devote himself to himself and his personal well-being.
  • Jasmine: a sign of a happy, carefree and peaceful love.

Dreaming of giving or receiving a bouquet of flowers

Giving a bouquet of flowers is in itself an act full of feeling, which can be translated into love, friendship or family affection. Dreaming of making this gesture is equivalent to the need to express one's feelings towards someone, perhaps silenced up to that moment, or to make one's presence felt within a relationship, showing dedication and care.

Dreaming of receiving flowers, on the other hand, represents a kind of message that the dreamer receives in the dream world. For example, if you have dreamed of receiving a bouquet of flowers from a person you know, it means that this last one has feelings, platonic or not, sincere towards you and of which you are not fully aware. instead, you do not recognize who gave you this gift, then the bouquet of flowers received indicates your abilities and your inner beauty of which you are not yet aware.

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Dreaming of withered or dried flowers

Not only in dreams, but in life in general, the withered flower is an "image that conveys sadness and nostalgia. Seeing it in sleep means that for the dreamer something important has just been concluded, in which he had placed his energy and hope. It may be a love relationship, a work assignment or any other goal that, however, has proved to be either unattainable or not lasting. Furthermore, withered flowers can represent a lack of will and strength to live.

Similarly, dreaming of dried flowers is linked to a sense of loss. It indicates the loss of the feeling of passion and affection in a relationship, which is thus deprived of its lifeblood.

Some other meaning and interpretation of flowers in a dream

Since it is such a recurring element in the dream world, we have summarized some other meanings when dreaming of flowers.

  • Eating flowers: this act indicates the dreamer's need to reintegrate into his life some of the virtues that flowers are a symbol of, from positive feelings to inner growth, from youth to the joy of living.
  • Growing flowers: represents the need to take better care of yourself.
  • Throwing flowers: a sign of a quarrel that made us particularly suffer or that will happen soon.
  • Buds: the dreamer is growing internally in a positive way and is reaching his goals. Also, they can signify a developing feeling, be it love or friendship.
  • Collecting flowers in a garden or in a meadow: once you have achieved the desired results, the time has come to know how to collect the fruits and fully enjoy that moment for which you have worked so hard.
  • Bringing flowers to the cemetery means having forgotten a very important fact or memory, perhaps because it caused suffering. Or, going to the cemetery in a dream with flowers can indicate that the pain of that memory has faded, remains present but is no longer as pressing as it once was.
  • Flowers with thorns: this dream means the arrival of a suffering that may be necessary to reach a better condition.
  • Having a vase full of flowers at home: it is a uterine image, which alludes to the aspects of every woman, such as fertility and instinctive protection towards others.

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The numbers of the Neapolitan Smorfia for all dreams with flowers

If you have dreamed of flowers recently, you could try your luck with the numbers of the Neapolitan Smorfia associated with them. To be sure, try to see the dream in your mind, so that you can focus on all the details and know for sure what the number of your dream image is. Were the flowers red or white? Did you keep them in a vase at home or were they out in the garden?

Flower: 13
Petals: 30
Collecting flowers: 81
Donate flowers: 32
Receive a bouquet of flowers: 40
Colored flowers: 22
White flowers: 30
Red flowers: 22
Pink flowers: 37
Yellow flowers: 85
Flowers in a vase: 26
Withered flowers: 75
Bringing flowers to the cemetery: 13

If you are looking for some other meaning of the most recurring dreams, browse the Gallery and find out what interpretation lies behind dreaming of a house, a famous person, the sea and much more!

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