Virtual foreplay with Fundwear

Caress, stimulate and pamper yourself at a distance? It may no longer be a mirage, but it will soon become a reality given that Durex Australia has launched Fundwear, a collection of high-tech underwear - currently in the test phase - equipped with special sensors and actuators that allow the exchange of effusions at a distance.

In addition to the modified underwear capable of emitting small electrical discharges directly on the erogenous points, you will need to have smartphones, to better address the pampering through "touch" technology, and software for Skype online communications.

The company points out that Fundawear is still in an experimental phase, but if you are curious and want to be a guinea pig, you can go to the Durex Facebook page and participate in the contest to win two kits: one for her and one for him.

Durex Fundwear also became famous thanks to a video posted on youtube on April 17, 2013, which shows two attractive models who exchange erotic phrases and provocations through the use of their smartphone and Skype.

See also

The foreplay

How to turn a man on: foreplay and tricks to turn up the temperatures

See also:

    • Gender: size matters
    • The love games
    • Less money, more viagra!
    • Kamasutra: Love Machine

    Tags:  Star Actuality Women-Of-Today