Losing weight during pregnancy: how to lose weight during 9 months

The gynecologist, after evaluating the initial conditions of the expectant mother, decides whether or not it is appropriate to undertake a weight loss diet. If the woman is of normal weight there will be no reason for this to happen; it is different if the woman is overweight because in this case losing a few pounds will avoid problems during childbirth. Before continuing, watch this video: foods to watch out for during pregnancy.

Losing weight during pregnancy is not impossible

As we said at the beginning of this article, every woman is different and experiences gestation in a very different way than other mothers. When you discover that you are pregnant, a new path begins for you and your doctor or gynecologist will guide you. The initial visits are used to check that everything can go smoothly and one of the first things that is evaluated is the weight of the mother: starting from a situation of normal weight there will be no risk for you and for the baby, so just follow a "healthy nutrition adapted to your metabolism so as not to end up with too many excess pounds at childbirth.

If, on the other hand, your weight is slightly excess already at the beginning of pregnancy, losing a few pounds is ideal to avoid the risk of having problems during childbirth. An important distinction to be made, however, is that between overweight and obesity: in the first case it will be enough to follow a diet designed specifically for the specific case to lose weight and find the shape; in the case of obesity, on the other hand, things get complicated, also because obesity is often a pathological condition that hinders conception (rarer case in pregnancy).

See also

9 month old baby: what progress has he made?

The belly in pregnancy: what you need to know to spend 9 months in peace

Ideal weight of children: how to calculate the ideal weight based on age and height

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Losing weight during pregnancy: the risks associated with excess pounds

The extra pounds compared to the condition of normal weight expose the woman to various risks. What are the most common?

  • The need to resort to caesarean section due to abdominal fat which would make it difficult to give birth naturally.
  • Complications during pregnancy related to arterial hypertension or diabetes (gestational diabetes, it all depends on the mother's initial body mass index).
  • Fetal suffering (especially in cases of marked overweight and obesity).
  • Increased likelihood of suffering from urinary incontinence and postpartum complications such as, for example, thromboembolism.

A few extra pounds are enough to worsen the quality of life of the woman, with small ailments such as back pain, varicose veins and in general a certain difficulty in daily activities up to sleep disturbances.

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Why is losing weight during pregnancy so important?

Let's be honest, pregnancy is not the ideal time to embark on a weight loss diet, as the body is subjected to considerable levels of stress. It is for this reason that only the doctor can decide whether or not it is appropriate to put the future mother on a diet, only after having assessed the general health conditions of the woman, finding the right balance between risks and benefits.

The decision to lose weight must never be an independent choice of the woman, but must be carefully agreed with the doctor and gynecologist. Furthermore, it will be necessary to keep under control the pounds lost and those gained because the fetus is growing: between these two data there must always be a balance. Never undertake a diet found on the web or created "do it yourself", deciding to exclude carbohydrates or cheeses out of the blue: all this will only make the situation worse.

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General rules to follow to lose weight during pregnancy

In general, regardless of whether or not you have to lose a few pounds, during pregnancy it is still good to follow a controlled diet that ensures the well-being of the woman and the fetus. The diet must be carefully studied and adapted to the initial conditions of the woman: only at a later time, and seeing how the body has reacted, will it be possible to make changes to reach the set goal or to meet particular new needs that may arise throughout the course of gestation.

The myth according to which one should eat for two in pregnancy is widely dispelled: the presence of the fetus does not lead to an excessive increase in calories (only about fifty a day in the first semester, up to about three hundred more at the end of pregnancy).

In the event that the diet of the pregnant woman is of the slimming type, in addition to balancing the calories it is still necessary to integrate all the micronutrients and the correct percentage of macronutrients necessary for the development of the fetus.

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For example, you must consider that during pregnancy the need for proteins increases (from about 1 g to 1.4-1.8 g per kg of weight) which must be of high quality to ensure proper development and healthy growth for the fetus. The requirement of essential fatty acids should also be increased, as well as that of iron (up to 30 mg per day, against only 18 mg in the absence of pregnancy).

The intake of calcium, phosphorus and folic acid will have to be checked and if necessary, the doctor will prescribe food supplements. Here are briefly explained, the reasons why you cannot make a diet of your own, but a comparison with the doctor that will have to last for all 9 months before the birth and even beyond.
If you suspect you need it, do not wait, contact your doctor and start the diet as soon as possible: some studies have shown that losing weight between the seventh and twenty-first weeks decreases the chances of excessive weight gain in the last quarter.

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Losing weight in pregnancy: how to do it with physical activity

Exercising is a great way to stay fit regardless of pregnancy. Sport is a precious ally for losing weight, but also for relaxing your mind and feeling better immediately. Practicing sports constantly allows you to burn part of the calories consumed by diet that would otherwise end up being transformed into adipose tissue.

Sport during pregnancy is useful not only for losing weight, but it is highly recommended to reduce and relieve minor aches such as back pain, swollen legs and more. However, in the case of pregnancy, it is also necessary in this case to start from the initial conditions of the future mother: if she has never played sports, she will find it difficult to start in such a particular period of her life, especially if she has been sedentary for a long time.

On the contrary, if the woman was used to playing sports before conception, the choice to continue physical activity can certainly help manage the overweight. Therefore, physical activity during pregnancy is good, but be careful to follow these general rules:

  • there must be no contraindications relating to specific health conditions of the woman, prior to pregnancy or which arose after conception;
  • better limit the most intense activity to the first trimester and then leave room for something light like yoga.

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