Books on pregnancy: the 10 essential books for expectant mothers

9 months is long. Very long. Any woman who has already gone through a pregnancy will agree with this statement. 9 months is 40 weeks. FORTY. There are many, there is little to say. And the 9 months are just a tiny part of the happy event in a family: from conception to childbirth. From birth to the first days of school. An important and wonderful life choice!

Did you know you could pamper your pregnant baby? Here is a video explaining why and how to do it:

The first quarter passes fairly quickly, between the disruption of the good news and the morning sickness (which I also had in the evening but okay), the disbelief and the emotion of telling the little secret to the closest people.
The second quarter runs even faster because it is characterized by an explosion of energy and vitality. You feel (usually) in great shape, nausea tends to be a memory, the belly begins to peek out of jeans and T-shirts that are too tight but it is still "manageable and wearable" without great effort, the atavistic tiredness of the first weeks seems to have vanished . There are many things to do and do before the baby arrives, and the future mother in recent weeks does not miss a single one!

Then comes the last quarter. The longest. On its own it seems to last 30 weeks instead of 12.
The belly rises visibly, mothers and fathers begin to imagine the unborn child who will soon enlarge their family.
This is the quarter of tiredness, sleepless nights, thoughts and a belly hanging over our whole day: when we try to tie our shoes, when we have to get into the bathtub, when we drive the car, when we get in on the tram, when we are looking for the right sleeping position.
Only one thing is really successful in the last trimester of pregnancy: being seated comfortably and reading.

See also

Ginger in pregnancy: here's how it can help expectant mothers

Vaccines in pregnancy: which vaccinations are suitable for future mothers?

Phrases about pregnancy: the most beautiful to dedicate to mothers

Sitting on an armchair or half-lying on the sofa, on the park bench or on the porch swing, books will be great friends in these long, long last weeks.

Here is a list of books to recommend to pregnant readers, future fathers and all those who are trying to have a child, useful and fundamental books to prepare for the new adventure of motherhood but also discreet companions capable of entertaining them in the endless days. the last trimester of pregnancy, the best way to spend your savings.
Some of these were written a few years ago but the books we offer you are all new editions.

1. The secret language of babies by Tracy Hogg

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Tracy Hogg answers the thousand questions that a new mother asks herself every day in this book. The author teaches to interpret the language of newborns by distinguishing the different types of crying and reading the movements of the body. Through concrete examples and true stories, she helps new parents to guess their baby's wishes and reach him in his mysterious world. intense relationship, transforming every small event into an "opportunity to get to know each other better: the first days at home, natural or artificial breastfeeding, pacifier, bath, massage, sleep. Available online at about 13 eur."

2.Besame Mucho by Carlos Gonzales

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Is it possible to imagine a child's education based only on love, respect and freedom? Carlos Gonzales is convinced of this and in this beautiful book he turns to mothers and fathers to explain to them how to raise children in a family full of love.

Buy it for 18 eur

3. What to Expect When Expecting Heidi Murkoff

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Explanations, answers, myths debunked: pregnancy from the head (even when it turns) to the feet (so swollen), in front (why is it not possible to determine the sex of the baby from the mother's belly?) And behind (why does your back hurt? ). A completely updated edition for a new generation of parents who, with the most accurate and competent information, tells you everything you need to know about the moment of pregnancy and how to live it in health. Easy to consult, written in an accessible and rich language. of practical indications, responds reassuringly to the thousand questions of future parents.

Available at 23 eur

4. Your week-to-week pregnancy by Lesley Regan

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Pregnancy is a special period in a woman's life: it involves numerous changes and raises several questions. In this revised and updated edition, Professor Lesley Regan gives you all the information and advice you will need to make the right choices for you and your child. It describes the baby's extraordinary progress in utero, week by week, from conception to birth. Explains the whole process, from the early stages of labor to the first meeting with the baby. Tips for dealing with the first weeks of life of the newborn and the new role of mother. Explanations and reassurance for those cases in which the pregnancy proceeds with some difficulty.
The last of the editions at 28 euros

5. Houses also for children. Educating children through Maya Azzarà's home space

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Properly preparing the home for the arrival of a newborn or adapting it to the growth needs of a child is not something to be underestimated. A few precautions are enough, even without giving up on savings, to make a home truly tailor-made and "at child's height". A very useful, concrete book, suitable for all parents, written by an architect and mother of 3 children (who knows, therefore, a lot!).

Available online at 13 eur

6. Montessori Method: The Practical Guide with All Activities by Amanda Flores

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A method that helps children to believe in themselves, to acquire autonomy and that supports them during each phase of growth, whose potential has been recognized by many schools around the world that have decided to adopt it as a learning model.
Inside this book you will find a list of all the exercises to be performed in the family, divided by age groups, and a description of the ideal environment to set up this method.

Last of 3 editions at 10 eur

7. What mothers don't say about Chiara Cecilia Santamaria

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True, ironic and funny, at times irreverent and at others moving, because motherhood is not all candy pink as they want us to believe but it is still a fantastic journey that holds many surprises!

Available at 10 eur

8. No sex, I'm pregnant! by Stefania Cecchetti

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Subtitle: 137 legends, myths and truths about pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding. Because during pregnancy there will be no lack of advice and opinions absolutely Not requests from friends, relatives and complete strangers on what to do / not to do / health / time of birth / savings management / eating / not eating etc. At least you will know how to respond!

Available online

9. Expectation. The emotional journey of Alberto Pellai's pregnancy

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"A story to read. A page to tell. A book to think about. While waiting for you, I have perceived, never as before, the simple complexities of the cycle of the seasons, something that up until this passage of my life I had always given for taken for granted and that instead, thanks to you, in recent months, I have learned to savor in the variation of its colors, smells, fragrances. "
An introspective fairy tale tells in a delicate way that celebrates the moment of gestation and childbirth.

Available in multiple editions

10. A chat with Tommaso Montini's pediatrician

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The new edition enriched with a guide that has found a wide interest, a scientific but simple and sometimes ironic text. Talk about children, health and little big problems: everyday ones. With tips and suggestions to face them with serenity. The pediatrician, let it be known right now, will become one of the favorite numbers on your mobile phone (after that of your mother and before that of your father) and the questions that you will be tempted to ask at each check-up visit will be endless. That is why this book whose under title reads "An answer to all the questions you didn't dare ask" it really deserves a place of honor in your library and some of your savings!
Available at 18 eur

In collaboration with Manuela Cervetti

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