11 curiosities about sperm you (maybe) don't know

When it comes to sexual intercourse, several factors come into play, both emotional and physical. Given, therefore, the vastness of the subject, not always everything is known about sex. For example, not everyone knows that there are ways to increase one's libido and that of the partner, by playing with the 5 senses and emphasizing them, or that there are some positions that have always been the favorite of all men, no one excluded ...

Another often known theme is that of sperm. There are several curiosities about male semen and these are 11 unknown to almost every woman!

1. What is sperm made of and where does it come from?

Sperm comes from the composition of three liquids: a liquid that comes from the testicles and contains spermatozoa, seminal vesicle fluid and pre-seminal fluid.

Seminal fluid comes more specifically from the secretions of the prostate gland and seminal vesicles. It contains nutrients to nourish the spermatozoa and also serves to create a favorable environment for the spermatozoa in the vaginal environment, which is normally acidic.

The spermatozoa
Produced by the testicles, these male reproductive cells must fertilize the egg during penetration to create an embryo. Their concentration is around 200 million per ejaculation, but only a few hundred go from the cervix through the uterus to the fallopian tubes where it occurs. find the egg.

A minimal secretion that precedes ejaculation, the pre-seminal fluid is produced by small glands (Cooper's glands) which discharge it, under the influence of sexual desire, into the urethral canal. Its role is to erase the traces of urine in the urethra and to lubricate the glans. It may contain some sperm, hence the need to put the condom on before it appears.

2. Does masturbation once a day affect semen quality?

The amount of semen released per ejaculation varies from 2 to 6 ml. It decreases in case of close ejaculations. In fact, sperm is a little less concentrated when ejaculating often, but the difference in efficiency is usually insignificant, except in special cases.
That said, frequent sexual intercourse increases the chances of fertilization during the fertile period.

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3.How can the quality of the sperm be checked, in which type of establishment? Also, is it free?

The quality of the sperm is assessed by taking a spermogram. The spermogram can be done in all approved medical testing laboratories.

This exam requires specific equipment and must be performed by competent and qualified persons and is subject to a fee (but can be reimbursed if you have medical coverage).

If infertility is suspected, some tests can be used:
- the spermogram studies the appearance, number and vitality of spermatozoa;
- spermocytocytoma looks at their shape.

4. Is it dangerous to swallow male semen often?

Sperm is a secretion of the body such as saliva, vaginal secretions or other.
Secretions can transmit infectious diseases, but only if the carrier is affected. The danger is more or less significant depending on the type of disease transmitted. For example, a person infected with the HIV virus (AIDS) or one of the hepatitis viruses will produce sperm which is a high-risk transmitter, but other infections may be less severe. In any case, many of these infections are transmitted only through actual sexual intercourse and not through fellatio.

Finally, swallowing sperm presents no danger, even if done frequently.

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5. What are the remedies if the spermatozoa are not reactive? Can they be stimulated in the same way as eggs?

In the case of sperm containing few spermatozoa or few effective spermatozoa, there are sperm concentration techniques that aim to increase the number of effective ones and to increase the chances of fertilization during insemination.

6. Does sperm make you fat?

Yes, sperm makes you fat ... if it causes fertilization!
In fact, this then leads to pregnancy which results in a weight gain of around 10 pounds, sometimes more, in 9 months, which is lost during and after childbirth rather quickly.

Aside from this condition, ingesting sperm does not lead to weight gain, whatever the route of ingestion.

7. Is sperm that is too liquid a sign of infertility?

What makes semen valuable is not its texture or color, but the number of normal sperm it contains and their motility (or liveliness). If in doubt, better check the situation with a spermogram, the test we talked about earlier.

8. After each intercourse, why doesn't the semen stay in the vagina and come out automatically? Is the amount of semen ejaculated decisive during conception?

The factors that determine the value of the sperm are the concentration of the spermatozoa, their viability, motility and morphology. The volume of the sperm is not important.
It often happens that part of the ejaculate does not remain in the vagina, especially if the vagina is vertical. You can lie down for some time after intercourse if you think this will promote the circulation of sperm.
However, don't worry, during the fertile period, cervical mucus is very permeable to sperm and even when standing, sperm can circulate to the fallopian tubes. There is always enough material to carry out fertilization when ovulation has occurred.

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9. Is it possible that a girl is allergic to a boy's sperm?

When it comes to allergies, anything is possible. Before an allergy can be declared, it must be demonstrated by biological signals and clinical tests. For example, the appearance of small stinging pimples or swelling in the throat.

10. Can you get pregnant with weak sperm?

It is possible, but if you want to get pregnant, it is best to take action if the pregnancy does not occur after 6 months of regular sexual intercourse.
Depending on the concentration of sperm, it may be effective to perform artificial inseminations with enriched sperm.
All these problems, specific to each case, must be discussed with the doctor.

11. Do you have to worry about blood in the semen?

The presence of blood in the semen is a serious sign of a problem with the male genital tract. Infection or inflammation of the testicles, seminal vesicles, prostate. Tests need to be done quickly.

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