#Lazonarosa: the appeal of anti-violence centers alongside women

“If you hear strange noises, call the police. Victims of violence cannot ", these are the words spoken by Simona Lanzoni, vice president of the Pangea foundation and coordinator of the Reama network (network for empowerment and self-help) in an appeal aimed at helping abused women. In a country like Italy, where 88 women are victims of violence every day and 40 cases of femicide (source: "This is not love", report by the State Police drawn up in 2019) to stay at home, in close contact with your tormentor, it is not a reassuring invitation. This condition, in fact, would further complicate an "eventual request for help. In this regard, then, Reama has taken steps to initiate communication lines via Whatsapp that do not make women hear and, in the case of mothers, their abandoned children. We also remember that the national number of anti-violence centers is always active, therefore, whoever is in need, do not hesitate to call him.

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