How to clean the mattress with baking soda in just a few steps!

There are things that are difficult to clean and sanitize, we often wonder how to do it quickly and best. Therefore, if it is necessary to clean and sanitize the pillows as natural habitat of the mites, this also applies to the mattress. But if the pillow is easier to wash even in the washing machine, for the mattress it seems a difficult and almost impossible undertaking ... and instead here's how! It will be as easy as cleaning the microwave oven:

1. Blend baking soda with tea tree oil

The first thing will be to make sure that the mattress is in the open air, or that there is a good passage of air, which already hinders the mites. After having done a generous brushing of the mattress, on both sides clearly, arrange yourself prepare a mixture of baking soda and tea tree oil. If baking soda is a well-known natural disinfectant, tea tree oil has countless benefits, not only for its pleasant scent but also as an antibacterial and anti-mold. Blend in a plastic container 250 grams of bicarbonate and 5 drops of tea tree oil and mix well to obtain a homogeneous mixture.

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2. How to clean the mattress with baking soda

With a sieve, spread the mixture on both sides of the mattress and let it act for an hour. Then remove everything with the vacuum cleaner: the mattress will come out as new.
To ensure maximum hygiene, it is recommended to disinfect the mattress at least once a month! Bye bye mites.

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Cleaning the house in an ecological way is not only better for the environment because it is less polluting, it also lightens daily expenses:

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