How to fall asleep fast: the three basic moves to fall asleep fast!

How to fall asleep quickly? Falling asleep quickly isn't always easy, quite the opposite! If you are experiencing a period of tension and stress, or simply if you are sensitive to the changes of the season, it is easy to suffer from sleep disorders. Not being able to sleep for the usual 8 hours can have serious consequences in everyday life: in the long run it can lead to poor performance at work, health problems such as diabetes and heart disease risk, difficulty concentrating and memorizing.

How then to fall asleep quickly? Let's find out together the essential moves to make to facilitate this process: these are tricks concerning the environment in which you sleep, relaxation techniques (such as that of the Marines which explains how to fall asleep in two minutes flat!) And small tricks in your style. Ready to start? You don't want to spend the rest of your days reduced like this baby here:

1. How to fall asleep quickly? Improve the environment in which you sleep!

The first move to be able to fall asleep quickly is to create a comfortable and suitable environment for rest. The ideal, if you have the possibility, is not to use the bedroom for any purpose other than sleeping (besides, of course, intimacy with your partner!). In this way, your brain will automatically link the entry into that room to the activity of sleep, making it easier to fall asleep.

In order to fall asleep quickly you will have to seek the maximum of darkness and silence. When you feel that it is time to sleep, turn off the chandelier and any other light in the room, even if small: it could still bother you. If you want to read, get yourself a small book lamp instead of using the bedside light, better if it is a warm light: cold and bluish lights are the worst for falling asleep! Attention, therefore, also to the lights of the screens, tablets and mobile phones in primis: their light halves the production of melatonin and creates further difficulty in falling asleep! There are specific apps that can help you eliminate or adjust the blue light on your smartphone screen by reactivating it in the morning. And if I manage to completely eliminate the electronic instruments from the room, so much the better!

Even the alarm light can disturb your sleep: change its intensity or put it in a position that does not disturb you. Checking the time constantly, especially if you struggle to fall asleep, can only be counterproductive! Your nervous system will increase the stress level if you keep turning to observe it ... hide it directly and it will help you calm down!

Noises too, as we have said, must be eliminated as much as possible. Therefore, remove noisy clocks, ask your potential roommates to keep the TV volume down ... in short, take all possible precautions to ensure maximum silence. The only noises that could be useful to you are the so-called white noises, able to remove the annoying ones that come, for example, from traffic on the street: you could consider buying a CD or a special player, but avoid listening with the headphones.
> Buy a white noise player on Amazon for € 13.99

The room climate is equally important: to be able to fall asleep quickly, the thermostat should be set in such a way as to obtain a temperature between 15.5 and 21 degrees. Better, therefore, for the room to be colder during the night, but not so much that it makes you shiver!

Finally, it is also important to have a comfortable bed: buy a mattress that is neither too hard nor too soft and new, non-textured sheets with a high number of threads. Try to sleep on your back or side, the best positions for your spine: to keep them you can help yourself with pillows, for example by holding one between your knees. These positions ensure good breathing, which is essential for falling asleep quickly.

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2. Use relaxation techniques (like that of the Marines, which tells you how to fall asleep in two minutes)!

How to fall asleep quickly if not reaching a state of total relaxation? If it's thoughts, anxieties and worries that keep you awake, the best way to fall asleep is to use specific relaxation techniques. One of the most popular is the one certified by the American army, used by the Marines and disclosed by the athletic trainer Lloyd Bud Winter.

This technique promises to get you to sleep in exactly two minutes. How does it work? First of all you need to relax the muscles of the face, including the tongue and eye muscles. Slide your shoulders down and relax your arms. Exhale and relax the chest, then the legs, starting from the thighs and working down towards the calves. At that point you also have to relax your mind: to do this, think of a "relaxing image (lying on a white beach by the ocean? In a soft velvet bed?) And concentrate on it, or repeat to yourself for about 10 seconds the phrase "don't think". It's not easy, but you can do it!

Another relaxation technique is that which consists in concentrating on the breath, breathing slowly and deeply. Inhale for a mental count to four, then hold the breath for a count of seven and exhale for a count of eight. Repeat several times and you will feel everything. the body relax and the heart slow down!

If these relaxation techniques don't work, don't stay in bed which will make you nervous and make the situation worse, but try some relaxing activities. You can, for example, try reading. Reading removes negative thoughts and reduces stress. Otherwise, you could try writing a diary, jotting down what worries you and, in this way, getting rid of some of it and discharging some negativity. Finally, try giving yourself a nice hot bath: there is nothing more. relaxing! But pay attention to the temperature: it must be around 38 degrees.

4. How to fall asleep quickly? Change your lifestyle!

Your lifestyle strongly affects the quality of sleep. To be able to fall asleep quickly, you should make improvements in your daily life, starting with nutrition to get to many small harmful sleep habits.

First of all, try to keep your rhythms as regular as possible. If you go to sleep and wake up at about the same time all the time, you will help your body memorize those "appointments", with the consequence of helping you fall asleep.

Try to anticipate dinner time and have a light meal on this occasion. You have to go to bed without feeling full, but not hungry either. A heavy meal can cause blood sugar spikes and difficult digestion certainly does not induce sleep ... The ideal would be to have dinner three hours before going to bed, avoiding heavy and spicy foods.

A hot drink can be of great help to help you sleep: try a nice herbal tea with valerian or chamomile. They are plants particularly suitable for guaranteeing relaxation. Instead, avoid drinks that contain caffeine and theine. Be careful, however, not to drink too much before going to bed: you may then feel the need to go to the bathroom during the night, breaking the hard-won sleep ...

Valerian and chamomile can also be taken in the form of supplements. There are several natural ones that can help you fall asleep quickly without having to resort to medicines and drugs. You can also try, always under medical advice and prescription, melatonin, an equally natural substance that promotes sleep.
> Buy it on Amazon for € 10.35

Avoid going to the gym or otherwise exercising in the last hours of the day. Before going to bed it is important that your body can seek natural rest. Sport raises the body temperature, accelerates the heart rate and stimulates the release of substances that prevent falling asleep!

If after trying them all you realize that the problem persists and that it could be real insomnia, with consequent chronic fatigue, contact a trusted doctor and ask him to recommend the most appropriate therapy, possibly pharmacological, but without freaking out. your. No joking with sleep!

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