5 things to know before leaving for a road trip

You know those American films, where the protagonists leave for epic car journeys? Is called road trip and it is the dream of all of us: give up everything (at least for a period), get in the car and discover new places, kilometer by kilometer. Even if in the movies everything seems easy and spontaneous, however, we give you some tips to organize a truly perfect road trip!

1. Choose the right travel companion!

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Travels are stimulating and fun, but they also have moments of boredom - for this reason, it is essential to leave with someone you get along very well with. A sister or brother, a best friend or boyfriend - the important thing. is to be super close-knit!

2. Find the ideal soundtrack

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What trip would it be without music? Relying on the radio is risky, since we cannot predict what the DJ on duty will choose. Green light not only to our favorite CDs, but also very long compilations. An advice? Put on the songs that made you sing your heart out in your teens - you won't regret it!

3. Study an itinerary

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The basis of an on the road trip is adventure, of course, but going into trouble is not a good idea: study a rough itinerary to follow with the person who will accompany you. In this way, you will always know where to go, and not you will risk missing out on the best attractions!

4. Pack your suitcase ... the smart way!

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For such a trip, there is no need to carry the wardrobe! Bring the essentials: comfortable clothes for the trip, and fashion for the evening, a reduced beauty case, a camera, and you are ready to go!

5. Get away protected!

Road trips are beautiful because they are unpredictable ... even in the negative! To get off to a good start, choose an auto insurance that protects you all-round, like Aviva's Auto policy.

Aviva Easy Drive - Passenger Cars is a modular solution created to assist you when you drive.
A policy that offers you Civil Liability and gives you the possibility to add various guarantees based on your needs, such as the global protection of the car, the driver and the passengers traveling with you - for a trip in complete safety for you, who accompanies you and for your car.

Thanks to the "Viva le donne" initiative, you can subscribe to the Assistance guarantee for only 1 euro * for the first year and you have an emergency service active 365 days, 24 hours a day, both in Italy and abroad, so you are free to leave, safe and secure, for any destination.

For example, in the event of a breakdown, such as a flat tire, an accident or theft, Aviva assistance intervenes promptly and, if necessary, also provides you with a replacement car to continue your adventure.

To find out more, visit: http://www.avivadonne.it/

Tags:  Fashion Star Old-Couple