"I'm always tired": here are 25 reasons that could be the cause

Are you always tired and fatigued, and in the morning, as soon as you wake up, would you be ready for a new sleep marathon, instead of going to work and starting a fruitful and busy day? Below you can find 25 reasons that could be at the origin of your chronic fatigue. From the most banal reasons to the less obvious ones to the habits that completely take away your energy.

Before proceeding to read and recognize the causes of your physical weakness, however, we want to remind you of some little tricks to remedy your tiredness: in this video you will find 5, and they are all simple but infallible. Try introducing them into your routine right away and you will immediately feel less tired!

1. You don't get enough sleep

Hello, Captain Obvious! If you usually sleep six hours a night and still feel tired, well guess what? You may need to sleep eight! Each of us has different individual needs when it comes to the ideal number of hours of sleep.Try going to bed an hour earlier for a week and see how it improves.

If you find it difficult to fall asleep, some gadgets can help you, as is the case with Dodow, which conditions your breathing and helps you fall asleep faster: buy on Amazon for 49 €

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2. Yours is not quality sleep

Have you ever wondered if yours is quality sleep? If you keep waking up during the night, the answer is no! The number of hours you spend in bed doesn't always equal the quality of your sleep. Your dark circles know it well!

Find out how to sleep better with the book Easy sleep: 21 strategies to beat insomnia by Shawn Stevenson, on offer on Amazon for € 15.21 in paper format and € 9.99 in Kindle format.

3. You have low iron levels

Your tiredness could be due to low levels of iron in your blood. Also, if you are on a vegan diet, and therefore don't eat meat or dairy products, which are rich in iron, this is even more likely. Ask your doctor for a blood test - you may need to take supplements (buy on Amazon).

4. You are dehydrated

Dehydration can make you really feel like a rag. Make sure you drink enough water to help your body function better. When you're not hydrated, your heart has to pump more to carry blood, making you feel more tired.

5. You are stressed out

As Dr. Alessia Santoro writes, "in periods in which we experience an overload in the management of stimuli deriving from work, study, or from other demanding situations, we witness a loss of vitality of our neurons and this produces a slowdown in the 'cognitive and behavioral activity ".

If you have a lot of things to do, you probably bring these worries to you in bed as well. Try keeping a bedside diary - write down your worries before bed and literally put them aside. Then give yourself breaks and moments for yourself, to do what you like and regenerate yourself. Trust me, this is not a waste of time. Your body and your mind will thank you.

Mr. Wonderful has several models of diaries and notebooks to help you in this mission: Buy the annual diary on Amazon for around € 20

6. You drink too much alcohol

A glass of wine can help you sleep, but five? Too much alcohol will cause your body to go haywire and interfere with your sleep cycle. When the alcohol begins to wear off, your body will begin to come out of the deep sleep phase, returning to the REM phase where it is very easy to wake up. Next time, before you drink too much, ask yourself if you really need it.

7. You don't get enough physical activity

Doing physical activity gives you the energy you need to face the day, but it also helps you rest better at night. Set yourself the goal of being able to do 3 to 5 workouts a week or at least, try to move more often during the day. If you sit all day, your brain will associate sleep with your stillness. Take a walk after the office, take advantage of your lunch break or try to walk to work.

8. Exercise too much

While it is good to exercise, if you feel exhausted, you have probably exaggerated in the gym. Be kind to your body and take a few days off. An intensive and too hard workout will have the opposite effect: the goal is to feel good, certainly not to collapse on the ground!

9. You don't eat enough

Are you skipping meals to lose weight or don't have much appetite lately? No wonder you are always tired. Food gives you the energy you need to get through your day. Make sure you eat the right amount, please!

10. You are not feeding yourself properly

If you are eating but still feel tired, try looking at what you are eating. Are you getting protein, fiber, carbohydrates and healthy fats? If not, try to eliminate junk foods. Don't be fooled by sweet foods to get more energy, you will definitely suffer from it later on.

11. Your thyroid is on tilt

Hyperactivity or underactivity of the thyroid gland can cause fatigue. Ask your doctor for a blood test to check that everything is working properly.

12. You are depressed

Depression can cause insomnia. Your doctor or psychiatrist can recommend methods - or prescribe medication - to help you sleep.

13. You work too much

Do you spend too much time in the office? Ask your boss what priorities are and that deadlines are set according to your possibilities. Have you started your own business? It's easy to work overtime when you're your own boss. Create a schedule and follow it carefully. Always remember to carve out a few hours of rest, so as not to tire excessively, otherwise you will always look like a rag! And your dark circles know it well, which you can mitigate with a few little tricks, as you can see below. But don't get used to it: sleep and rest are urgent!

14. You can't say no

Are you overloaded? Stop! It's nice to help others, but never forget to take some time for yourself. Saying "No" will make you feel better, try it for yourself.

15. You sail at night

Not in the ocean, on the web! Exposing your eyes to the bright lights of your PC will prevent you from falling asleep peacefully, which means you will be even more tired the next day. Turn off all electronic devices one hour before bedtime. It's not easy to do, but it's worth it.

16. You are celiac

If you have gluten intolerance but don't know it, digesting gluten could be really difficult. If you also have an upset stomach, this could be a valid reason. Ask your doctor to find out if you are truly celiac, in which case a proper diet will solve the situation.
About the book Celiac disease. All that is useful to know by Alex Gazzola you can find out more about this condition. - Buy on Amazon for € 11.47

17. You have diabetes

If you are always feeling exhausted it may be worthwhile to discuss the matter with your doctor.

18. You are going through a difficult time

We're not talking about stress or depression, but if a major event has leaked into your life - like a divorce or bereavement - your mind is probably, and understandably, overloaded. Try talking to a professional, they will help you work through your problems and find ways to sleep better.

19. You take too many medicines

Whether prescribed or not, too many medications could confuse your sleep. Try to avoid some of them.

20. Take the wrong meds

If you've been prescribed a new medication and suddenly feel tired all the time, it could be a side effect. Talk to your doctor and try changing the dosage or medicine.

21. You spend too much time indoors

If you spend most of your day indoors, and put your head out just to get in your car, you probably have a vitamin D deficiency. Try a lunchtime walk every day. Bonus: This will give you a boost of energy to face the afternoon.

Buy Vitamin D Dietary Supplement on Amazon

22. You have a vitamin B12 deficiency

B12 is an energizing nutrient. This vitamin will help your body create red blood cells and activate neurons. If you are short of B12 you may feel a bit like a zombie. Make sure you have enough, in case you ask your doctor.

Buy Vitamin B12 Food Supplement on Amazon

23. You suffer from sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a common disorder, which manifests itself with the interruption of breathing during sleep. If you think you have it, visit a sleep specialist. Doctors will be able to conduct a study on your sleep, which isn't as fun as it sounds, but it could be the solution.

24. You have children

If you have children, especially small ones, it is entirely understandable that you may feel tired all the time. Unfortunately, there is no immediate solution, but try to sleep when they too are sleeping - be it a nap or a proper sleep at night.

25. You are pregnant

We are kidding, but not entirely! When you carry another person around all day, it is normal to feel tired all the time. And don't think it's better after giving birth, see point 24.

Buy the pregnancy test kit on Amazon

For more useful information on chronic fatigue, you can visit the ISS website.

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