Can I eat sausages when pregnant or are they bad for you?

There are those who say that frankfurters in pregnancy should be avoided and those who have no doubts about it, saying that their consumption is safe. But where does this debate arise? A "healthy diet is mandatory during pregnancy, and fruit must prevail. , white meat and strictly cooked vegetables. Before reading on, watch the video below to find out other foods to watch out for during pregnancy.

Can I eat sausage when pregnant?

It is advisable to clarify the consumption of frankfurters during pregnancy. All pregnant women know very well that some cured meats during pregnancy are prohibited because they are a possible vehicle for toxoplasmosis, but there are a series of foods, including sausages, which always leave a little perplexed. Are they cooked or raw? If we cook them, can we consume them? Here, in this article we will clarify all these doubts. Let's say straight away that sausages can be eaten during pregnancy, but they are certainly not one of the foods to be preferred.
Sausages are sausages similar in preparation to traditional German sausages. It is a common, inexpensive food that is present quite frequently on our tables.
Indulging in a little bit of it every now and then is allowed, but you must never overdo it because raw sausages are bad for you, especially if you are pregnant.
The frankfurters, in fact, are a very fatty food, rich in preservatives and full of salt, in fact they can cause:

  • high blood pressure problems
  • increased levels of bad cholesterol
  • weight gain

See also

Can I eat mayonnaise when pregnant or is it bad for you?

Bresaola during pregnancy: is it safe to eat without consequences?

Philadelphia in pregnancy: can you eat if you are pregnant?

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Wurstel in pregnancy and toxoplasmosis

Toxoplasmosis is one of the risks involved when a pregnant woman eats raw meat when she is pregnant. It is a harmless disease in itself, but which becomes very risky for the fetus during pregnancy. In terms of toxoplasmosis, frankfurters are a food to be considered safe, but it is a good idea to avoid any food of raw animal origin.
All future mothers are subjected every month before giving birth, to the toxotest on blood, to check if the bacterium is present or not; women who have already contracted toxoplasmosis in previous periods from blood tests done before gestation will not run any risk.
But what are the symptoms of toxoplasmosis in pregnancy? How to know that something is wrong? What we can observe is very similar to when we catch a cold.

  • headache
  • sore throat
  • fever
  • tiredness
  • enlarged lymph nodes
  • joint pain
  • enlargement of the liver and spleen

Therefore, if you are concerned that you have come into contact with the toxoplasma bacterium, tell your doctor who will prescribe an additional toxotest and will inform you correctly what to do.
There is currently no vaccine for toxoplasmosis, the only way to safeguard yourself is to be careful.

Ideas for eating hot dogs when pregnant

Diet during pregnancy must be taken care of and balanced and precisely with regard to cured meats and meats, it is necessary to behave in a certain way due to the danger of food infections.
For example, during the 9 months before giving birth, eating raw sausages is bad for you due to the negative effects that we have already explained in the previous paragraphs.
In addition, undercooked meat during pregnancy should always be avoided, just as attention must be paid to raw ham during pregnancy and mortadella during pregnancy.
However, if from time to time you want to take away the whim of eating wurstel while pregnant, you can consume them cooked or boiled, in this way you will not run any risk, always as long as you limit the doses.
The cooking and boiling processes, in fact, will eliminate any type of bacterium that may be present, both in chicken and pork frankfurters.
Not surprisingly, the most recommended cured meats during pregnancy are those cooked like cooked ham.

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The risks associated with pregnant sausages and pork

Doubts about what to eat and what to avoid during pregnancy remain and are absolutely legitimate: a woman who discovers she is pregnant is rightly concerned about her health and especially that of her baby. In this article we have talked extensively about wurstel during pregnancy, how their consumption is safe, but must still remain very sporadic.
The general rule is that, although the consumption of meat during pregnancy should not be excluded, raw or undercooked meat should be avoided and attention should be paid to:

  • bresaola
  • speck
  • salami
  • raw ham
  • roast beef

Among the cold cuts and cured meats that can be eaten during pregnancy we find, however:

  • Turkey
  • baked ham
  • speck (if properly cooked)
  • pork

Finally, it is good to remember to be careful with grilled meat during pregnancy, because in addition to being carcinogenic it may not be well cooked.

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