The quarantine has curbed the complaints, but not the violence

Zsuzsanna, Marisa, Alessandra, Maria Angela, Viviana, Gina Lorenza, Lorena, Rossella, Bruna, Barbara, Larisa. There are 11 victims since the start of the lockdown in Italy and the list could increase dramatically. And no, we are not talking about the Coronavirus. These women died at the hands of those who said they loved them - or rather - should have loved them, companions, boyfriends, husbands, children, grandchildren, cousins. While the world seems to have stopped, gender-based violence continues undisturbed within the walls of the home. That place that for many is a safe haven, for others has turned into a prison from which it is difficult to escape unscathed.

Forced cohabitation made the situation worse

The quarantine precipitated the situation - unsurprisingly - forcing women to live day and night under the same roof with their tormentor. Tension is increasing, differences are increasing, the number of victims is increasing, but those of complaints are decreasing. Because if reporting was already difficult before, confinement has made it almost impossible. And the chats on number 1522 (active in 5 languages: Italian, English, French, Spanish and Arabic), nor the other initiatives promoted by the anti-violence centers were not enough to stop this global scourge which, in some ways, stands out as to democracy, making no distinctions of color, ethnicity, social class or religion. It affects indiscriminately and does not stop in front of any rule of social distancing.

Possible solutions

But what could have been done to stop this massacre? The first problem to be highlighted is the lack of availability of anti-violence centers to welcome new guests during a health crisis. Therefore, it was possible to think of identifying new structures in which it was possible to give shelter to women and children in difficulty, or to equip existing ones with tampons, sanitary kits, disinfectants and sanitizing treatments. In addition, the judge of the court of Rome, Paola Di Nicola, insists on the need to scrupulously observe Article 384 bis, which provides for the urgent removal from the family home of anyone who engages in aggressive and violent behavior.

Targeted interventions are urgently needed

After the sorrow, anger and pain, it is therefore urgent to take action. And to do this, it is necessary to demonstrate to the victims that they are not alone, but not in words, they need targeted interventions and concrete help. Femicide is not an inescapable destiny and women must be enabled to believe in it. Therefore, we invite the institutions to take timely action to stem a phenomenon that undermines not only the lives of thousands of women, but also the degree of civilization of a state.

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