Sagittarius ascendant cancer: all about this zodiac sign

If you belong to the sign of Cancer you were born between June 22nd and July 22nd, but a lot of your personality is influenced by your ascendant. It varies according to the time of your birth and, according to astrology, determines the way you relate to the other signs. Find out what your horoscope holds for you based on the astrological combination. Did you know that there are zodiac signs more treacherous than others? It is explained in the video!

The personality of those born in Cancer with the ascendant in Sagittarius

According to astrology, the zodiac sign of Cancer which has the ascendant in Sagittarius is a cheerful, lively, enthusiastic about life and very generous person. If this is your zodiac sign then you like to enjoy existence, eat, be with friends and have fun. You love learning about new things and you like to surround yourself with stimulating experiences, so much so that sometimes you are a little reckless and reckless. The family is your point of reference and, although the distant and the exotic have a certain influence on you, you like the domestic routine.

Cancer with the ascendant in Sagittarius is an idealistic and passionate individual, who likes to be in harmony with all the other representatives of the zodiac. In love this astrological combination tends not to favor fidelity (as, instead, happens for the signs of earth like Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn), however, if Cancer meets the right partner, then it gets its head right.

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Cancer Sagittarius ascendant in love seeks understanding, respect and understanding, but also great freedom. In work, however, he does not tolerate constraints too much and still seeks personal satisfaction. In the professional field, the most suitable jobs are those in which work can become a passion (such as, for example, something that has to do with travel), or teaching.

See also: These 7 signs of the zodiac are the most honest

© Reshot / Kyle Kane These signs always directly say what they think

Sagittarius ascendant cancer: affinities with other zodiac signs

The ascendant in cancer tends to dampen some personality traits typical of cancer, making it more exuberant and less prone to the reveries typical of the sign.This ascendant also makes people born with this astrological combination able to get along with many other signs, especially with those of earth such as Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn, but also with those of Fire such as Leo and Aries.
Here are all the affinities with the other signs of the zodiac:

  • Scorpio. Scorpio is passionate and creative, just like the Sagittarius ascendant.
  • Bull. The sign of the bull, so practical and down to earth, gives stability to the restless cancer.
  • Virgin. The understanding between the two zodiac signs does not always work but the bond with the virgin (which, not surprisingly, is an earth sign just like taurus and capricorn) is not even so impossible.

Ascendant Sagittarius Cancer, then, feels an irresistible attraction with Libra and Aries. Aries, being a fire sign (like Leo), is energetic and impetuous, two characteristics that the Sagittarius really likes, while Libra is balanced and understanding.

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Who does this sign disagree with?

The affinities, on the other hand, are scarce with:

  • Twins. According to astrology, twins are a sign that has a huge need to communicate and that is ill-adapted to the shade of cancer, so this combination is not the best.
  • Aquarium. Even the aquarium is too imaginative and tied to an imaginary reality for cancer, which needs the concreteness of signs such as the bull, the virgin or, at the most, the imaginations of fish.
  • Sagittarius. The clash between the sign of Sagittarius and the same ascendant makes this link excessively sparkling and problematic.

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