Personality test: how greedy are you?

Being greedy is sometimes a tragedy, as you don't know how to say no to temptations and you always think about the dessert that could make your day more beautiful. But wouldn't a life without sweets actually be darker? Well, not for everyone, indeed, many can feel great without extra sugars! Before you find out how greedy you are, take a look at the video, if you get water, it could be a clue, look:

Personality test: how greedy are you?

Then find out with our test if you are one of those who cannot live without sweets, one who knows how to control herself or one of those who hates sweets! And if a dessert can make a diet difficult, always remember that in difficult times, sweets can be our best friends! Find out with the test how greedy you are:

See also

Personality test: how greedy are you?

Personality test: how fearful are you?

Personality test: how tolerant are you?

Greedy with pride or without? Find out with our test how proud you are:

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