Sister Cristina, from the convent to the stage of "The Voice"

Sister Cristina Scuccia took a few hours to become a phenomenon. The video of his extraordinary performance at the Blind Audition of “The Voice of Italy” went around the net (with dizzying views) and the world. In fact, not only Italians (VIPs and others) speak of her, but also international stars of the caliber of Whoopi Goldberg and Alicia Keys, whose “No One” was chosen by the nun for her performance.

Twenty-five years old, originally from Ragusa but now transplanted to Milan, Sister Cristina is in the order of the Ursulines and took her first vows in 2012, after having spent two years in the novitiate in Brazil, where she volunteered among street children and children.

© Kikapress Sister Cristina Scuccia

Growing up in a Catholic family, Cristina has always attended the Church even doing the altar boy, but until a few years ago she would never have thought of taking vows. His dream, at the age of 14, was in fact to sing. This is why he tried the path of talent, from "X Factor" to "Amici", but things did not go well. She then graduated in accounting, then began working in a call center. In 2008 the Ursulines of Palermo staged the musical The courage to love, dedicated to the founder of their order, or Sant’Angela Merici: she is entrusted with the role of the protagonist and there she understands that something in her is changing. He leaves everything and moves to Rome, where he enrolls in the Star Rose Academy. Isn't the name new to you? It is in fact the "artistic academy directed by Claudia Koll. It seems that the girl followed the singing and dancing courses with profit, up to a block due to a small injury:" Cristina fell, broke her ankle and was forced to stop.I believe that this gave her time and opportunity to reflect: it is no coincidence that at that moment the decision to enter the congregation matured in her ", Koll told a well-known weekly," At first I was a little sorry, I I saw that Cristina was talented and I would have liked her to continue on that path. But then I realized that, when the Lord calls, there is no alternative ".

Claudia will therefore be happy to see that Sister Cristina has nevertheless continued to cultivate her passion for singing, so much so that she passed the first selection of “The Voice” and ended up in J-Ax's team. To what extent will his talent be rewarded? We still don't know, but one thing is certain: Sister Cristina is already a star, so much so that she has a press office that keeps journalists at a distance.

Watch below the video of the performance of Sister Cristina and the surprising reactions of the judges, in particular of J-Ax who could not hold back the tears:

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Tags:  Parenthood Love-E-Psychology Actuality