How to have perfect eyebrows in 3 simple steps

The eyebrows are the central fulcrum of the whole face, as well as making it harmonious, they frame the look and are responsible for all our expressions. Defining them according to your features is an essential step that also affects the makeup that we will apply later.

In recent times there has been more and more talk of perfect eyebrows, but how are they achieved? If in the past the trend was to have them very thin, often making a reckless use of tweezers, now things have changed a lot. The eyebrow arch has been defined following the facial features in order to have a result that is as natural as possible.

Before proceeding with the reading, we have created a short video that explains how to draw your eyebrows to have them fuller and more defined. Watch it now!

Step 1 - The mapping

We talk more and more often about the shape of the eyebrows: arched, straight, with a soft arch or sharp and curved. The role of the eyebrows is strategic, in addition to emphasizing and sometimes correcting the eyes (too close or too far away), they also affect the beauty of the whole face.

For each there is the ideal shape and you can easily spot it at home on your own. What do you need? For the first phase called "mapping", all you need is a mirror and a pencil or the handle of a brush.

Basically you will identify 3 strategic points:
1. the starting point of the eyebrow
2. the point where the eyebrow arches
3. the end point of the eyebrow

How to spot them? Stand with your face straight in front of the mirror and begin to place the pencil or the handle of a brush, just to the side of the nose, crossing it with the inner corner of the eye. The imaginary vertical line that is created determines the starting point of the eyebrow. Make a small mark with your pencil to keep track of it.

Now proceed to identify the point where the eyebrow should end. Always place the pencil to the side of the nose and this time cross with the outer corner of the eye. When the imaginary oblique line reaches the height of the eyebrow, that is the point where the hairs must end. Trace, also in this case, a small mark with the pencil.

The third and last step, on the other hand, concerns the point where the eyebrow arches, rising and then descending towards the temples. To find it easily, always start with the pencil from the side of the nose, this time however cross the pupil that must be facing frontally, and mark the point where the imaginary line meets the hair of the eyebrow. That will be the highest point.

Do not worry it is a simple operation that you can also observe in the image below. Basically, as you can see, you will have mapped your eyebrow and now all you have to do is connect all the points to identify the perfect eyebrows.

See also

How to pluck your eyebrows?

How to grow your eyebrows to have them full and thick

Eyebrow henna: what is it, how to do it, is it really good for everyone?

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Step 2 - Hair removal

The hair removal phase is essential to remove all excess hair and "clean" the shape of the eyebrow obtained through the mapping.

What do you need? Tweezers and depilatory strips suitable for small areas. In some cases, especially if your eyebrows are long, keep some scissors on hand as well. Consider that the tweezers allow you to be more precise because it removes hair by hair, while the depilatory strips are ideal to use in areas rather far from the eyebrow to avoid pulling away hairs that are instead part of the ideal shape.

The advice we give you is to first use the hair removal with the strips above and below the eyebrow, or in the area above the nose that separates the two eyebrows. Then, with the tweezers, go to finish the work focusing above all on the outline. If you have outlined all the points well through the mapping, it will be very easy to identify which hairs to remove and which hairs to leave.

Once you have finished the actual hair removal, if you have very long eyebrow hair, you can pull them all upwards with the help of a pipe cleaner and you will cut the lengths that go beyond the shape you have drawn.

Precious advice: be careful not to get carried away and above all from time to time move your face away from the mirror and see how the result is coming in all its entirety.

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Step 3 - The filling

Now comes the best part, it's time to fill in the created shape and finally see the final result in all its glory. There is no specific technique to fill in the eyebrows, in general the advice is to make many dashes that simulate the hair and recreate a very natural effect.

Furthermore, the key word is to blend, whatever type of product you want to use, always remember to blend well and above all make the fill color less intense in the initial part of the eyebrow where even the hairs are thinner.

What are the useful products for eyebrow makeup?

  • Pencil

Eyebrow pencils are the most used tool to draw them, thanks also and above all to their easy use. Some types of eyebrow pencil are automatic and with retractable lead, they do not need to be sharpened and often are already equipped, in the lower part, with a brush for combing and blending.

The lead can be thin to help draw hair one at a time, or thicker for a bigger filler effect. In addition, the formulation changes: some pencils are creamier and will have a marked eyebrow effect, while other brands have a harder and almost dusty writing effect with a decidedly more natural effect. Choose the shade that best suits the color of the hairs doing a test directly in the perfumery.

> Buy the Benefit eyebrow kit for € 41 at Sephora

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  • Powder eyeshadows

Powders are another effective method for styling and defining brows. There are specific eyeshadows of various shades and you just need to find the most suitable one. Then, with the help of an angled brush, you can go and sculpt the shape by intensifying some areas a little more sparse. The final effect is certainly natural.

> Buy the Rimmel palette for € 9 on Amazon

  • Color gel

More recent invention are the colored gels intended for the eyebrows. We can distinguish two types: the first is a gel to be applied with a brush in order to recreate the hair and intensify the eyebrow. The second, on the other hand, is a colored gel with fibers inside that can be applied as if it were a mascara. The brush passed on the eyebrow, will color, intensify and comb; 3 functions in 1, perfect product for those who have little time and want a quick result.

  • Fixing gel

This type of product differs from the previous one for the simple reason that it is usually transparent. Setting gels are especially useful in the case of long eyebrows or eyebrows that tend to curl. They are used to keep them in place and make the makeup last throughout the day.

> Buy Ardell's gel for € 9.99 on Amazon

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Professional treatments for perfect eyebrows

Sometimes it happens that due to illnesses or past mistakes, the eyebrows appear very deformed. Let's face it, as young girls the urge to pull hair out regardless of shape was for everyone; the problem is that now in some places no more hair grows and there are real holes.

We also consider that the fashion of the past wanted very very thin eyebrows and often without a defined shape. Today things have changed and the shape considered harmonious for the beauty of the whole face is that of the seagull wing eyebrows.

But what to do if the situation is serious and we want to run for cover? The best thing is definitely to go to a beauty center where a "specialized beautician will be able to advise you in the best way."

One of the options for undoing the "wild push" damage is the eyebrow tattoo. It is a technique that involves the insertion of color pigments into the deepest layer of the skin: the dermis. Right from the start the eyebrow will appear fuller and more intense, it will regain its lost shape and it will not be necessary to draw it. At the most you can intensify the color with an eyebrow product such as colored pencils or gels. As the years go by you may need a touch up.

Another very famous technique to permanently fix the eyebrows is microblading. It is something very similar to a tattoo except that in this case the color pigments end up in a more superficial layer of the skin. The microblading also, unlike the tattoo, allows you to draw the hair and have a more natural effect. Also in this case, the advice is to contact competent staff who will also be able to guide you in case of any tweaks.

Tags:  Properly Marriage In Shape