Dreaming of a dog that bites - meaning and interpretations

The dog is one of the animals that appears most frequently in dreams. Depending on how it looks, how it behaves towards the dreamer and many other details, the correct interpretation of the dream image can be drawn. However, man's best friend is not always dreamed of in friendly and playful attitudes. In fact, in some cases, dogs are dreamed of showing their aggression. Here are all the meanings when it happens to dream of a dog biting.

Symbology of the dog in dreams

Not only in dreams, but also in the collective imagination, the dog usually has a positive meaning. Always considered as the most faithful and loyal friend of man, the dog is an animal that usually inspires trust and security. However, even these animals sometimes reveal their more instinctive side, which can turn into aggression. For this reason, the meaning of dream dogs can vary from case to case. These are the most common interpretations:

  • Fidelity and loyalty: as already mentioned, the dog is considered man's best friend. This particularly positive reputation owes it to his particularly protective character towards those he loves.This is why over time it has become the symbol of these qualities and can also represent them in dreams. In the dream world, dogs can be "messengers" of the unconscious who come to the aid of the dreamer or who can encourage him to pursue his goal.
  • Instinct: despite the fact that some of its qualities are close to human ones, the dog remains an animal made of instincts. When you dream it, it can reflect the feelings and the most irrational part of the dreamer.
  • A loved one: we know that in the dream world everything is possible and this means that a dog can indicate in the dream a person who helps us in everyday life or who is always ready to support us with extreme loyalty.
  • Ferocity: finally, however, a rabid dog that barks, growls and tries to bite scares anyone. Dreaming of this animal while it behaves like this means either that the dreamer has a strong accumulation of repressed anger or that he is surrounded by aggressive people towards him.

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In this article, we will focus more on the last meaning - and its consequent interpretation - that are given to dogs in dreams.

Dreaming of a dog biting a certain part of the body or an object

Dreaming of a dog biting can have more than one meaning, depending on the part of the body or the object that is bitten. In general, however, it is often the symbol of a person that the dreamer considers a threat or the most hidden instincts that they are taking over, risking serious damage, but if it doesn't hurt when it bites, then it's as if it wants to lead you on the right path to prevent you from making mistakes.

These interpretations vary slightly depending on what the dog is biting in the dream, for example:

  • Hand: represents someone who hinders the dreamer to achieve his goals. A prevarication is underway, which could be attributable to the workplace.
  • Arm: it is the symbol of a betrayal. A dog biting an arm means that a person in your private life or at work is not being sincere and therefore you feel stuck and "held back".
  • Leg: indicates a moment of fragility. There may be, for example, conflicts at home or in your love life.
  • Bone - this dream has a positive meaning. It could herald the achievement of your goals in a short time.
  • Home Furniture: This means someone is trying to ruin a relationship that is dear to you. It may be your love affair or this person is trying to hurt a family member.

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Dreaming of a dog that bites to defend the dreamer

As we have already mentioned, dogs can represent fidelity and protection, but, at the same time, ferocity and aggression. These apparently opposite characteristics can be combined when the dreamer sees a dog defending him in his sleep. This dream image can represent your need to feel safe and protected against the difficulties you are facing.

Then, it could indicate your desire to assert your ideas and opinions, to enforce what you deeply believe in and that you have often seen devalued.

Dreaming of a dog that barks and growls

When you have dreamed of a dog that does not manage to bite, but which still barks fiercely and growls, it means that the dreamer is going through a period in which he is afraid and feels helpless with respect to the needs and aggression of others. Maybe lately a person in the your life hurls its anger and frustration at you and, therefore, you feel constantly threatened, as if a dog is barking at you.

Likewise, a dog that growls and barks does not have to be a symbol of another person. It could also be your deepest self that has accumulated strong anger and a high level of pent-up aggression. Unable to express them in life. everyday, your unconscious gives them vent into the world of dreams.

See also: Dictionary of dreams: discover the meaning of your dreams!

© iStock Dream dictionary: find out the meaning of your dreams!

Dreaming of a black or white dog

To know the correct interpretation of your dream, you need to pay attention to all the details of the dream image. When you dream of a dog, especially in an aggressive attitude, you need to take into account what color its coat was, especially if it was black or white.

  • Black: if you have dreamed of a dog of this color, then it means that your greatest fear and concern of this phase of your life has emerged in your sleep. Also, it can indicate your deeper impulses that you are constantly trying to silence in the day to day.
  • White: in general, a white dog has a positive meaning in the dream world, because its coat expresses affection and sociability. However, if in your dream it was biting you, then it represents all those feelings that you struggle to express.

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Neapolitan grimace: the numbers associated with dreams where you see a dog biting

If you remember well what was in your dream, then you can also decide to try your luck, playing the numbers suggested by the Neapolitan Smorfia al Lotto. We have collected all the main numbers that connect to dreams starring dogs that bite or in aggressive attitudes.
Think back to what your dream was like and good luck!

Dog biting 52
Dog biting a bone84
Dog biting a cat65
Guard dog 18
Dog barking 36
Your dog barking 5
Rabid Dog 49
Black dog 13
White Dog 23

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