Can I eat mortadella when pregnant or is it dangerous?

Many pregnant women wonder if it is possible to eat mortadella when pregnant or if it is better to avoid and resist the temptation in the 9 months before giving birth. We know well that cold cuts during pregnancy should be consumed in moderation due to the risk of contracting toxoplasmosis, but in the case of mortadella, do the same rules apply? Before continuing, watch this video with foods to avoid during pregnancy.

Mortadella in pregnancy: what are the nutritional values?

When you are pregnant it is very important to follow a balanced diet and carefully choose the products to be consumed. This rule also applies to the consumption of mortadella during pregnancy, which should always be preferred of quality; an example is that of the Bologna IGP mortadella, whose processing and preparation are much more accurate than a lower quality product. What are the nutritional values ​​of mortadella? Let's find out how many calories, fats and proteins 100g of mortadella contain:

  • 300 kcal;
  • 70 mg of cholesterol;
  • 25 g of fat;
  • 16 g of protein;
  • 8 mg of calcium.

If we choose a high quality product such as Bologna mortadella, with low salt and preservative content and of certain origin, we can have greater safety about its consumption during pregnancy.

Another important aspect to consider, and which is often underestimated, is the preservation of the food: during pregnancy you should prefer the consumption of fresh mortadella, to be eaten immediately after being sliced. The cold cuts that are already ready in the refrigerated counter are rich in additives and preservatives including salt, which should be absolutely limited in pregnancy.

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Can I eat mortadella when pregnant?

During pregnancy it is physiological to put on a few pounds, but by following a diet adapted to the specific needs of the mother, weight gain can be easily controlled without the situation getting out of hand. Nutrition has always been one of the fundamental points for a style. of healthy and healthy life, even more important is to respect an adequate diet during pregnancy, without ever giving up the variety of foods and taste.

But it's time to answer the main question: can you eat mortadella during pregnancy or not? We have already partially given a solution in the previous paragraph, mortadella, if purchased of quality in a trusted store and consumed fresh at the moment, can be safely consumed during pregnancy without running risks for the mother and the baby.
In fact, mortadella is part of the list of cold cuts granted during gestation, so with an eye to the origin and quality in general, it can be eaten.

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The risks associated with the consumption of mortadella during pregnancy

It is good to specify that during pregnancy it is important to follow a healthy lifestyle, consuming portions of fruit and vegetables at least five times a day. On the other hand, sugars and sausages should be avoided: but let's face it, for a pregnant woman it is it is almost impossible to give up something sweet, so rather than resist the temptation, it is better to give in with moderation! The same can be said for cured meats, with the difference that some of these can cause the expectant mother to contract toxoplasmosis, a "risky infection for pregnancy.

As mentioned before, mortadella during pregnancy can be eaten, without overdoing the portions, because it is a cooked salami, like ham. Mortadella, in particular, is prepared and processed at a very high temperature, which can easily eliminate bacteria including the dreaded toxoplasma; this parasite at a temperature equal to or higher than 60 degrees becomes inactive.

If we wanted to be more specific, we could say that mortadella is made with minced pork, to which a few cubes of lard and various aromas are added. Everything is then stuffed and cooked, at a temperature above 60 degrees, generally the ideal temperature is 90 degrees. The cooking is carried out for several hours and for the larger mortadellas, it can also last for a few days.

Returning therefore, to the topic of cured meats during pregnancy, the greatest risk is represented instead, raw ones such as raw ham, salami, bresaola, capocollo and pancetta: not being cooked at high temperatures can be dangerous as regards toxoplasmosis and should be avoided until after delivery.

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Mortadella in pregnancy: all the precautions to be taken

Mortadella is not part of the "black list" of dangerous foods during pregnancy, but its consumption is closely linked to some useful precautions to avoid any type of problem. Let's see what they are.

  • Wash your hands thoroughly

Especially after having touched raw meat or cured meats, if you are pregnant it is important to wash your hands well. Even if she does not have to consume what she has just prepared, it is difficult for a mother not to deal with raw food. Even simply preparing meatballs involves coming into contact with any toxo plasmas. These are trivial daily actions, but if your hands are not well cleaned you risk putting them in your mouth and it becomes dangerous. The solution is and it is simple. : just be careful to wash your hands often and well after touching the meat or some uncooked salami. The same thing applies to the knives or cutlery used, which are sterilized with hot water and dish soap, even better if there is the possibility of washing them in the dishwasher.

  • Pay attention to the slicer

If you are buying fresh mortadella at the supermarket, explicitly ask to use a "slicer on which no raw cured meats have been cut. For greater safety, you can ask the butcher to disinfect the slicer with the special spray, before proceeding with the cut." To avoid any risk, you can buy a small whole mortadella to be sliced ​​at home with a home slicer or simply with a sharp knife.

  • Limit the doses

Remember that mortadella is still a very caloric, even if tasty, cured meat, so its consumption should be limited. We know that getting rid of the desire for a nice sandwich with mortadella is important, but be careful not to overdo it. This generally applies to all cooked or raw cured meats.

Recipes to enjoy mortadella during pregnancy without risk

To complete the roundup of information about mortadella, we want to give you some recipe ideas to consume it without risk during pregnancy. This salami has an unmistakable soft taste, perfect to be enjoyed alone with bread, but excellent as a special ingredient to flavor many preparations.

Combined with cold cuts, low-fat cheeses and vegetables it becomes the protagonist of a quick appetizer, while in the first and second courses it can also be tasted cooked.

An idea could be to use mortadella to prepare a revisited carbonara, using it instead of bacon, to enrich a baked pasta or a tasty parmigiana, finally also in a pasta salad.

Used as a filling it is ideal with vegetable rolls, for tasty meatballs, diced makes a simple meatloaf special, the omelette is undoubtedly tastier if you add a few slices to the eggs.

In short, there is no reason to give up the taste of mortadella even during the 9 months of waiting, the important thing is to know how to choose a quality one and limit the portions.

Tags:  Parenthood Properly Kitchen