Why does hiccups come? It could be dangerous?

You certainly know very well how annoying it is, but what else would there be to know about hiccups?
One of the remedies is said to be scared, something like this:

  1. · What is hiccups?
  2. Why does hiccups come? Let's find out the most likely causes.
  3. · Is hiccups dangerous? Here's when to be alarmed.
  4. · How to get rid of hiccups

What is hiccups?

Hiccups are a series of involuntary contractions of the diaphragm, the muscle between the chest and abdomen that supports our breathing. In medical jargon it is in fact defined as "synchronous diaphragmatic flutter" (FDS).
The annoying "hic" sound is due to the closing of the vocal cords after each contraction and, listen, in 1 minute we can have up to 60 sobs! A real nightmare ...

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Why does hiccups come? Let's find out the most likely causes.

Hiccups are a very common phenomenon that can affect anyone, including newborns.
Generally the causes of hiccups are trivial: a meal a little more abundant or consumed too quickly, a more alcoholic evening than usual, a carbonated drink, a very spicy dish, coughing, a big laugh ...
But if it happens frequently or if, when it occurs, it goes on for a long time (despite various attempts to stop it) it can be a sign of a more complex problem ...

Is hiccups dangerous? Here's when to be alarmed.

In less worrying cases, hiccups are a symptom of stress and are therefore linked to psychological causes.
But if it persists for more than 2 days, you might need to worry ...
In fact, in the worst cases, hiccups indicate a pathology of a gastrointestinal, respiratory, cerebral nature (including brain tumor) or diabetes.
Hiccups can also occur as a result of surgery or taking medications such as benzodiazepines, cortisone, and barbiturates. In these cases, you should contact your doctor and treat the hiccups based on the diagnosis.

In itself, hiccups are not dangerous, but if they exceed 48 hours, in addition to becoming worrying because a possible symptom of a disease, it can interfere with our primary functions, including eating and sleeping. Besides, it's quite embarrassing ...

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How to stop hiccups

We finally come to list the possible do-it-yourself remedies for this torment!
They will have really advised you on everything, including: drink, hold your breath, bite a lemon, eat bread, eat a teaspoon of sugar or vinegar, get scared, bend over to compress your chest.
But the only solutions that have a scientific basis are:

- breathe through your mouth into a paper bag
- to sneeze
- drink ice water
- eat dry bread In this way, the vagus nerve, which controls the diaphragm, is stimulated.

In short, maybe we will finally be able to get rid of it!

To find out more about hiccups, visit the Humanitas hospital website.

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