How to sterilize the bottle: the best techniques to try

To understand how to sterilize the bottle you need to know how to navigate the jungle of sterilizers and the most disparate sterilization methods. In this article we will tell you all about sterilization to help you make the right choice and be able to keep your baby fit until it's time to ditch the bottle. Before continuing, we also want to show you a video with the rules of hygiene for the little ones.

How to choose the bottle sterilization method

There are two main types of bottle sterilization: cold sterilization and hot sterilization. Both are reliable and proven. Let's see together specifically what are the advantages and disadvantages.

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How to cold sterilize the bottle

For the cold sterilization of the bottle, all components must be immersed for 30 minutes in a basin filled with 4-6 liters of water and one or two tablets for sterilization.

The principle: a chemical process based on sodium hypochlorite, (therefore bleach) safe for children.

His benefits: no risk of burns, very practical when traveling or with friends, just have some sterilization tablets in your luggage.
The tray can hold up to 8 bottles and accessories. Once sterilized, the solution remains active for 24 hours and the bottles can be left to "soak" waiting to be used, so that they remain perfectly sterile.
The tablets are not very expensive and can be found everywhere, even in supermarkets. They are very practical for sterilizing small toys and teething rings that do not heat sterilize.

His disadvantages: sterilization is the longest. The tablets emit a bleach smell which can be annoying if you are sensitive.

Milton tablets for cold sterilization - on Amazon for € 14.95

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How to hot sterilize baby bottles

If you choose the hot sterilization of the bottle, you have 3 options: pot sterilization, electric steam or microwave sterilization, the last two methods are those that require the use of a sterilizer.

How to sterilize a bottle with a saucepan

Using a saucepan is a bit of an old-fashioned method, but it's also the simplest and cheapest.

The principle: Destroy bacteria by immersing bottles in boiling water for 20 minutes. Be careful to fill them with water so that they are well immersed. Also add the teats during the last 5 minutes.

Benefits: The simplest and least expensive method. It does not require the purchase of equipment, a saucepan or a large pot will suffice.

Disadvantages: It is necessary to observe the boiling time, if you forget the pan on the fire, you risk making a mess.

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Electric sterilization

The principle: put the items to be sterilized in the special basket, cover with about 70 ml of water. Insert the plug. Equipped with a resistance that heats the water to a high temperature, the electric sterilizer sterilizes the bottles with steam. The sterilization time is variable (from 8 to 15 minutes).

Its advantages: a shorter sterilization time than cold sterilization. Up to 6 or 8 bottles and accessories can be sterilized at one time. Equipped with an automatic stop and an acoustic signal, it prevents accidents during prolonged sterilization.

Its disadvantages: a longer sterilization time than microwave sterilization. The sterilizer is rather bulky and expensive.

Its cost: between 40 and 90 euros for the device.

Chicco SterilNatural Sterilizer 3 in 1, Up to 6 Bottles, White - on Amazon for € 41.99

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Sterilize the bottle with microwave steam

The principle: the bottles and teats are placed in a central tank containing a bottom of water. The lid is closed to create an oven and in a few minutes of heating in the microwave the bottles are sterilized.

Its advantages: is the fastest sterilization method. The sterilizer is practical and space-saving. 6 bottles can be sterilized in 4 minutes.

Disadvantages: Not all sterilizers accept glass bottles. Attention: the larger bottles (320 ml) are not suitable for all sterilizers. Do not use plastic bottles containing bisphenol.

The cost: the microwave sterilizer costs between 20 and 45 €.

Philips Avent Microwave Sterilizer - on Amazon for € 28.98

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Les 5 étapes pour steriliser effectively

  • Avant tout, lavez-vous les mains avec du savon et séchez-les avec un chiffon propre. Le plan de travail sur lequel seront posés les baby bottles doit lui aussi être propre.
  • Demontez le biberon (séparez corps, bague, tétine) et lavez toutes les pièces soigneusement avec a vaisselle et rincez à l'eau courante product. Après chaque repas, rincez immédiatement le baby bottles. An evening goupillon votre allié indispensable pour attindre les saletés logées dans le fond du biberon ou dans la tétine (live the mini goupillons!). C "is certainly the plus important: the vaut mieux a bottle propre et non sterilisé que sale et passé au sterilisateur.
  • Faites sécher les baby bottles, tête en bas afin que l "eau ne stagne pas au fond, sur une surface propre.
  • Emboitez bagues et tétines (afin d "éviter la manipulation après la sterilisation) et putz les avec les biberons au sterilisateur. Respectez les volumes d" eau et les temps d "action préconisés sur la notice de l" appearil. N "oubliez pas de steriliser the bottle of the bottle and the head of your baby.
  • Si vous stérilisez à froid, vous pouvez conserver les biberons dans la solution sterile pendant 24 h. Si vous stérilisez à chaud, vous conserverez vos biberons remontés et fermés dans your own fridge

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When to stop sterilizing the bottle?

When the baby reaches 4 months of age, he begins to put everything he can get his hands on in his mouth ... then it becomes useless to continue the systematic sterilization. Of course, you can choose to stop sterilization much earlier.

Is sterilizing the bottle mandatory?

Sterilization is recommended as a precautionary measure. However, it is not mandatory if the breastfeeding equipment (rings, teats and caps) is perfectly washed, rinsed, kept in a clean place and used in good hygienic conditions.

We recommend that you disinfect your hands before touching the freshly sterilized bottle.

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