Vaginal itching: causes and possible remedies

Knowing the causes of vaginal itching is very important to be able to remedy it as soon as possible. In all cases, the best thing to do is to contact your gynecologist to immediately begin adequate treatment, avoiding worsening the situation with do-it-yourself remedies. Let's analyze together all the possible causes of intimate itching and let's also focus on the remedies. Before we proceed, here's a video for you with some vagina tidbits.

Why does vaginal itching occur? The causes

  • The candida

One of the most frequent causes of vaginal itching is candida, an infection that can cause itching both internally and externally, sometimes with severe burning. In some cases there may be white losses with a texture similar to cottage cheese. There are specific drugs to treat candida, but before buying them it is good to get advice from your gynecologist.
One thing you can immediately put into practice to prevent and combat candida is to take care of your diet by avoiding sugars above all and preferring fresh fruit and vegetables and especially probiotic foods, such as yogurt and kefir, which help keep the vaginal flora healthy.

  • Bacterial vaginosis

This infection is characterized by greyish-white discharge accompanied by bad odor. It is one of the causes of vaginal itching and just like in the case of candida, bacterial vaginosis also needs the right treatment to avoid relapses.

  • Trichomoniasis

It presents with intimate itching and burning, as well as green and yellowish discharges. Trichomoniasis is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases in young women. Like the others described above, it will need to be treated with the right care to completely disappear.

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  • Dermatitis and psoriasis

Aggressive hair removal on delicate and sensitive skin can cause irritation and intimate itching. Psoriasis and dermatitis, known as skin disorders, can also affect the private parts. In all these cases you can use natural emollient creams that can bring immediate benefit. In any case, it will be a temporary benefit, it is always better to visit the gynecologist.

  • Latex allergy

Vaginal itching can also be triggered by a "latex condom allergy that you didn't notice before. They usually occur along with itching, even irritation and small bubbles under the skin. The first thing to do in this case is to undergo surgery. a test for real proof of allergy. Later, with the help of the gycologist, you will have to evaluate an alternative method of contraception.

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All the ways to prevent vaginal itching

After this overview of the causes of vaginal itching, it is important to point out that there are also very effective ways to prevent this disorder, as well as counteract its recurrence. Let's see what they are.

  • The diet

The vaginal bacterial flora is greatly influenced by what we eat, so choosing healthy and fresh foods will be good for the whole body. Avoiding fats and sugars, and integrating foods rich in lactic ferments, will be of fundamental importance to combat itching.

  • Intimate hygiene

Intimate hygiene is to be checked frequently, especially if you suffer from the infections mentioned above. It is important to choose neutral and non-aggressive detergents or too rich in perfume, in order not to alter the natural vaginal pH and keep the bacterial flora healthy.

  • Clothing

For clothing, always prefer breathable cotton fabrics, especially for underwear. In all these cases it would also be better to avoid too tight pants, which can worsen irritation and prevent the natural transpiration of the skin.

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Frequently asked questions and doctor's answers

In all cases of vaginal itching and candida infections, vaginosis etc ... the doctor may prescribe specific tests to do. Let's see what are the most frequently asked questions about it and the doctor's answers.

Medical tests to undergo
It will be essential to undergo tests to rule out serious diseases such as HIV, which can occur even after 1 - 8 weeks from sexual intercourse causing the infection. Other important tests and examinations are usually the cytobacteriological examination and a vaginal swab.

What can the diagnosis be?
The doctor's diagnosis may include a "vulvar or vaginal infection: inflammation of the vulva or vagina caused by bacteria, parasites, or fungi.

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Can taking antibiotics cause an infection?
If you have taken or are taking antibiotics, be aware that these can disturb the normal intestinal flora. Infectious agents will take over and easily pass from the anus to the vagina.

What are the most effective remedies?
Local treatments are certainly the ones that work immediately. An example are the eggs to be introduced into the vagina, sometimes combined with an oral treatment.

What precautions should you take?
If you are taking antibiotics, always use an intimate soap that respects the ph of the mucous membranes and with medical advice, use an egg as a preventive measure. Choose a type of breathable cotton underwear, avoid tight clothing and do not keep the swimsuit too long. Finally, remember to always use a contraceptive (condom) during all sexual intercourse.

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