1, 2 or 5: how many kilos can you lose in a week?

Who does not dream of getting rid of the unnecessary pounds that have plagued us for weeks, months or even years in the shortest possible time? So it's all too understandable that the temptation - and motivation - is initially great when we're offered the prospect of rapid weight loss. However, one has to ask how realistic the promises of significant weight loss in a short period of time are. We asked Silke Restemeyer, head of the German Society for Nutrition (DGE).

In general, the expert's opinion is quite clear: most of the time the promises of these diets are not kept.

See also

How to lose 5 kg in one month!

Minestrone diet: 5 kilos in 7 days with the right ingredients!

Plank diet: menus and testimonials to lose 9 kilos in 2 weeks

How much you can lose in a week depends, among other things, heavily on the initial situation.

Please note the following: People who are severely overweight lose weight faster and much faster than those who have to struggle with just two or three extra pounds. It also plays a role in how much you eat and whether you play sports. However, five pounds in a week is quite unrealistic even for a severely overweight person.

“It is possible to lose several pounds in a week,” says Restemeyer, “however, it is important to know that initially it is not fat, just water. To lose a kilo of adipose tissue you need to burn 7000 kcal! ». For this reason, the specialist warns that short-term diets do not last: they can lead to some results, but it will be like "an" illusion.

What is the right way to lose weight

The nutrition expert recommends losing weight slowly, but in the long term. "Those who lose a lot of weight in too short a time run the risk of not being sufficiently supplied with all the nutrients needed to get the energy we need and that they are good for our health. Also, due to the yo-yo effect, you will regain this weight just as quickly.

Our metabolism goes into a resting state if we eat too little. As soon as you return to your normal eating habits, your body takes in all calories and stores as much as possible. The pointer of the scale will rise irretrievably again. "

"To fool the yo-yo effect, you should really lose weight wisely. Half a pound a week, one to two pounds a month is optimal," says Silke Restemeyer. She also recommends taking a four-pound break from the diet. six weeks after the first three to five pounds, during which the weight is maintained.

Those who lose weight slowly this way don't give the yo-yo effect a chance and can be sure they are getting all the nutrients. "

Among the various slimming programs that exist, Silke Restemeyer mentions one that can work if followed carefully. This is the Weight Watchers, the "innovative" points diet "which more than a restrictive regime is reminiscent of" nutrition education. " With the points system, those who follow him learn to divide calories over the course of the day and week, enjoying some "gluttony" from time to time and without excluding any food.

How many calories do you actually need per day?

Now we know how many calories we need to save to lose 1 kg of fat tissue. Additionally, we have learned that our bodies work in a similar way to "saving energy": our basal metabolic rate decreases when we reduce calorie intake. Which explains why crash diets of 1 or 2 weeks are usually not very promising at long term.

But how do we know how many calories our body actually needs, regardless of whether we want to lose a few pounds or just stay fit? Our daily calorie requirement depends on various factors, such as gender, age and physical activity. To calculate it, you can ask for the advice of an expert taking into account all those fundamental aspects for planning a healthy and balanced weight loss.

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Do you get more results in losing weight by doing sports?

If you are in a hurry to lose weight, there is no way to avoid sports. If you train several times a week, you will quickly lose a few pounds. Activating fat burning through exercise, in fact, is optimal not only for lose weight, but to feel good about yourself and feel better.

Whether it's going to the gym, doing some exercises at home or choosing to run or walk in the middle of nature, playing sports is the best ally for weight loss and mental well-being. In fact, physical exertion has a placebo effect on the mind and helps to release anxiety and tension, two factors that usually cause us to eat more!

Important note in conclusion: An active lifestyle with a balanced diet and plenty of exercise is still the best way to stay fit over the long term and to achieve or maintain optimal weight.

For more information on weight loss, visit the Humanitas website.

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