Weekly horoscope from 23 to 29 April 2018: Venus in the sign of Gemini!

Aries: love encounters!

Dear Aries, are you ready for a big change in the sentimental field? Starting from Tuesday, Venus will become favorable to your sign ... and who knows, you may not soon find the right person! On the other hand, the encounters are also favored by the conjunction of Mercury. Be careful not to miss good opportunities on the lucky days of Mondays and Tuesdays. Act with caution, however, between Friday and Saturday.

Taurus: bye bye, Venus!

Dear Taurus, unfortunately this week the planet Venus leaves your sign to move to that of Gemini. Don't worry, though: the last period has laid such solid foundations for your relationship that now nothing can hinder the growth of a beautiful love! This week is all about the favorable moon days of Wednesday and Thursday. Be careful not to overdo it, however, on a slightly nervous day on Sunday.

See also

Gemini: everything there is to know about this zodiac sign!

April zodiac sign: are you Aries or Taurus?

Leo ascendant gemini: the characteristics of this sign

Gemini: welcome, Venus!

Dear Gemelli, are you ready to live your moment of romance and passion? Starting on Tuesday, the planet Venus will enter your sign! A really positive period is about to begin as far as feelings are concerned, in which there will be flames and emotions not to be forgotten… A lot of luck also at work, especially in the first part of the week. Some mishaps on Thursday.

Cancer: problems at work ...

Dear Cancer, this week unfortunately the planet Venus stops supporting your sign, but don't worry: maybe there will be no butterflies in the stomach of the last period, but you will still be able to live a week of great serenity next to your partner. Unfavorable Mercury, on the other hand, continues to create problems and misunderstandings at work: pay particular attention to the somewhat nervous day on Friday.

Leone: the serene returns ...

Dear Leo, finally the planet Venus returns to smile at you! In the last period, love has given you a hard time, but now - starting from Tuesday - you will be able to find serenity next to your old partner, or to leave behind a story that no longer worked. Favorable Mercury helps you make new encounters, take advantage of it especially on Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays!

Virgo: be careful who you hang out with ...

Dear Virgo, unfortunately there is no good news for your sign ... Venus, starting from Tuesday, will enter an unfavorable position and the serenity of your life as a couple will be severely tested. Tensions could become difficult to sustain, particularly if you frequent a sign that is not inclined enough to dialogue and that tends not to want to deal with problems and is rather prone to betrayal ... check here:

Libra: good news!

Dear Libra, finally there is good news for your sign which, let's face it, has recently been put to a severe test ... starting from Tuesday, the planet Venus will take on a favorable aspect and love will return to smile at you! All tensions with your partner will be smoothed out and you will return to being more accomplices than before. Super-lucky, then, the days of Friday and Saturday, with the moon in the sign! A weekend dedicated to relaxation.

Scorpio: love finally smiles at you!

Dear Scorpio, you will be happy to know that - finally - the opposition of Venus will stop persecuting you, and this already starting on Tuesday! The last period was not easy with regards to feelings, but now the situation can only improve and you will find the emotional stability and serenity you deserve. A little more patience on Monday, in which - among other things - even the moon will be unfavorable ... Top day: Sunday.

Sagittarius: Venus opposite ...

Dear Sagittarius, unfortunately this week the planet Venus will come into opposition to your sign ... starting from Tuesday you may experience rather heated discussions and tensions with your partner, especially possible on the slightly nervous days of Wednesday and Thursday. Do not get anxious and try as much as possible the dialogue with your him. The best days of the week will be those of Friday and Saturday.

Capricorn: have confidence!

Dear Capricorn, unfortunately - starting from Tuesday - you will no longer have the support of Venus. Don't worry, though: in the last few weeks you have managed to make your relationship more stable and you will still be able to enjoy great serenity with your partner even in the following weeks. At work, a blockage situation continues: be careful especially on Fridays and Saturdays, and never lose confidence in your abilities!

Aquarius: passion returns!

Dear Aquarius, finally the planet of love stops hindering you and begins to act in your favor! If in the last few weeks your love life has been full of doubts and torment, starting from Tuesday you will be able to clarify your feelings and rekindle your passion. Monday and Tuesday, unfortunately, the moon will be in opposition and you may feel down in the dumps… from Wednesday you will feel that recovery!

Pisces: heart problems ...

Dear Pisces, unfortunately - starting from Tuesday - the planet of love will no longer be favorable to your sign ... the days of Wednesday and Thursday, in which you will also have the moon in opposition, will be particularly heavy: be careful not to say things which then you may regret! The weekend promises better, especially on Sunday: if you have something to clarify, wait for that day to avoid bad fights ...

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