The Horoscope for June 2018: a summer of passion is approaching!

Aries: ready to fight!

Dear Aries, this month of June sees you strong and charged, full of grit, supported by a powerful Mars who will help you win every battle. And unfortunately there will be a fight: the first part of the month will be love to give you a hard time. Until day 13, in fact, the planet Venus will be unfavorable to you and with your partner you will risk seriously losing patience. So try, if possible, to postpone any important decision to the second half of the month. At work, on the other hand, it will be the first ten days of June that will be filled with opportunities, while afterwards you may encounter some unexpected obstacles in your path.

Taurus: in transformation!

Dear Taurus, with the entry of Uranus into your sign, a long period of transformations and changes has begun for you, in which you can truly fulfill your desires. Of course, there will be battles and risks, you will be forced out of your comfort zone, which makes you feel anxious ... If you manage to overcome your fears, you will be amply rewarded! Love smiles at you until the middle of the month, with a beautiful Venus that gives your couple serenity. From day 13, however, some misunderstanding with the partner could arise. On the contrary, at work, the second half of the month is favored. Mars in an unfavorable position makes you feel a little tired and stressed ... Here are three adjectives to describe you:

See also

June zodiac sign: characteristics and peculiarities of Gemini and Cancer

Chinese zodiac signs: what are their characteristics

Moon in Scorpio: what are its characteristics according to astrology

Gemini: a month as a protagonist!

Dear Gemelli, June is your month: are you ready to live it with more intensity than ever? The planets, in fact, promise many novelties and beautiful surprises for those who will have the audacity to come forward, and you do not lack this quality! Interesting opportunities could arise already in the first half of the month, when Mercury in conjunction will favor your inter-personal relationships and, especially at work, you could form some relationship or contact that will be very useful to you. In love, however, focuses everything on the second half of the month, when a splendid Venus will give you new emotions and interesting encounters ... Favorable Mars gives you the right energy to face every challenge.

Cancer: an exceptional month!

Dear Cancer, get ready: June will be a truly exceptional month for you! The planets will compete to favor you and you will be able to achieve splendid results in every field of your life, starting with love. Venus will remain in your sign until day 13: in this period you will be able to consolidate your relationship or, if you are single, to make really lucky encounters. Those who are experiencing a period of doubts will finally be able to put them aside and smile at the side of someone special. From day 12, then, Mercury will also enter in conjunction: the second part of the month will bring you many news, interesting opportunities, promotions. If you have a project in the pipeline, now is the right time to take it forward!

Leo: welcome, Venus!

Dear Leo, the month of June will overall be a favorable month for your sign, in which you will be able to reach important goals and you can feel more fulfilled than ever! All this, however, will involve some effort and sacrifice: the opposition of Mars will often make you feel tired and stressed, with little energy and some physical decline. But nothing that a feisty guy like you can't get over quickly! And the results will come soon: the first half of the month will be favored employment issues, with new opportunities and awards. From day 13, then, the planet Venus will enter your sign and you will experience a second half of June full of emotions, all in the name of love and sentiment!

Virgo: long live love!

Dear Virgo, the month of June does not start very well for your sign: Mercury in an unfavorable position until day 12 creates some problems in your relationships, especially in the workplace. It will be difficult for you to be heard and understood and the risk is to be underestimated. To avoid worsening the situation then, wait for the second half of the month to step forward and clarify: everything will be easier and you will be able to get what you deserve. In love, on the contrary, you can count on the favor of Venus who, especially in the first part of June, will give you important emotions and you will be able to find in love a haven of serenity from all problems.

Libra: are you ready to shine?

Dear Libra, the month of June sees you more energetic and vital: it will be the summer that is approaching (or perhaps the unconditional support of Mars?), But you will radiate strength and beauty, it will be really difficult to resist! If the first half of the month could bring you some problems on the sentimental front, starting from day 13 Venus will return to smile at you: single women keep their eyes wide open, because they could make conquests! At work, however, the first part of the month will be favored, when Mercury will guarantee you all the support you need to carry out your projects. Some obstacles, however, could arise starting from day 12 ... better not wait to come forward!

Scorpio: heart problems ...

Dear Scorpio, the month of June brings a little extra fatigue to your sign. An unfavorable Mars does not help physical fitness and creates energy drops, in a period in which you will often find yourself having to struggle, especially in love. In fact, starting from day 13, Venus will take on an unfavorable aspect and you will find yourself having more than one doubt about your relationship. If you have any outstanding issues with your partner, then try to address them in the first half of the month, when it will be easier to understand each other. At work, starting from day 12 you will be able to receive some nice confirmations. Favorable Mercury helps you to remove obstacles and to meet people who are well disposed towards you who will know how to help you.

Sagittarius: opposite Mercury ...

Dear Sagittarius, the month of June will require a lot of energy, especially in its first part, when the opposition of Mercury will put more than one obstacle in your path. Fear not: Favorable Mars gives you all the physical strength and grit you need, and in the end you will be the winner! In fact, starting from day 12, Mercury will leave you in peace and you will be able to find a bit of serenity and stillness, especially in the workplace. Love will also be favored in the second part of June, and to be precise starting from day 13, when Venus will take on a good look for your sign: couples will be able to feel more close-knit than ever and single women will have fun. !

Capricorn: what an effort!

Dear Capricorn, get ready: June will not be an easy month for your sign (for which things are hardly resolved in a simple way ... you are used to having to fight)! Until day 13, in fact, you will have Venus in opposition and, starting from day 12, also the planet Mercury. So be careful not to pull too hard and not to argue excessively with your partner in the first half of the month if you want to avoid breaking up! If you need to take some space for yourself and clarify, talk to him openly and without resentment. The second part of June, if it sees an improvement on the sentimental front, unfortunately will bring blocks on the working side. You just have to be patient ... better times will come.

Aquarius: Mars in the sign!

Dear Aquarius, let's start with some wonderful news: you have Mars in conjunction and this will make you more energetic than ever! No one will be able to stop you, on the contrary: you risk looking like a crazy top that rotates between a thousand commitments, a thousand appointments, a thousand projects without a moment's respite. Be careful not to overdo it, especially in the second part of the month, when the planet Venus will come into opposition: someone might feel neglected ... Your sign needs solitude and does not love those who are too breathless. However, do not risk losing someone you care about: talk to them about your needs and dialogue will prove to be the best weapon.

Pisces: Venus takes care of it!

Dear Pisces, don't worry if in the first part of this June things seem to go wrong, especially in the workplace. The disadvantage of Mercury, which creates some more obstacles and setbacks, will last only until day 12: starting from that date even the most complicated situations will be able to be resolved happily and you will be able to obtain the desired results. In love, focus everything on the first part of June: Venus will be favorable to your sign until day 13. If you are looking for confirmation and you need to clarify something with your partner, address the question by that date and you will be able to find the answers that circles.

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