The December 2019 Horoscope: Jupiter smiles at the earth signs!

Aries: Partner Problems ...

Dear Aries, the month of December does not promise easy for your sign from the point of view of feelings. Until day 20, in fact, you will have to deal with an unfavorable Venus, which will make you particularly uncompromising towards your partner ... and you are certainly not one who sends them to say! On the physical level, there will be a good recovery compared to November, in which you had to endure a little extra fatigue due to the disfavor of Mars. At work, however, the period from 9 to the end of the month will be favored, when favorable Mercury will give you new opportunities. Check now what are the most suitable adjectives to describe yourself:

See also

Born in December: the zodiac sign of the month and its characteristics

The sentimental compatibility between the signs

New zodiac signs: what they are and what their meaning is

Taurus: in recovery!

Dear Taurus, if the month of November was not at all easy for your sign, that of December will make you breathe a good sigh of relief. The planet Venus will be on your side until day 20, giving you all the serenity you deserve on the sentimental front. Mercury, starting from day 9, will stop being in opposition to your sign and, together with a beautiful favorable Jupiter, will help you to achieve a real comeback in the professional field. Certainly there will be good opportunities, especially in the second half of the month. Unfortunately, fatigue and some health problems due to the opposition of Mars continue.

Gemini: great news!

Dear Gemini, December will definitely be more relaxing than November for your sign. Finally free from planetary oppositions and disadvantages, you will be able to find your centering again, sharing - if necessary - only and only from yourself. In love, good news is on the horizon: the last ten days of this 2019 will have some nice surprises in store for you, including a very hot New Year ... more lightness and lots of new energy: Jupiter is no longer in opposition and all your dreams - if you work hard - can come true!

Cancer: opposite planets ...

Dear Cancer, unfortunately the month of December opens with the entrance of the planet Jupiter in opposition to your sign which, as if that were not enough, has already opposed both the planet Saturn and the planet Venus. Not a particularly conciliatory picture, unfortunately, but which - if you can transform every difficulty into an opportunity to renew yourself - will give you satisfaction and changes. Above all, it will be love that will put you to the test: until the 20th, some of you may experience a profound crisis with your partner, ready to turn into an awareness, however. On the other hand, if things don't go as you wish, you have the right to change your mind!

Leone: litigarelle holidays ...

Dear Leo, the month of December will bring for your sign a decisive improvement in the field of work. Of course, all the problems and stress you had to endure in November will not suddenly disappear, but - starting from day 9 - you will be able to get rid of some weight. Unfortunate Mars, unfortunately, will continue to make you feel stressed, but there will be good opportunities and opportunities to meet. Attention, however, on the sentimental front: starting from day 20 the planet Venus will enter in opposition to your sign! You might have some pretty quarrelsome Christmas holidays ...

Virgo: holidays to remember!

Dear Virgo, excellent news for your sign, as - on the other hand - for all earth signs: the entry of the planet Jupiter in the sign of Capricorn will give you great satisfaction and success, especially in the professional sphere. You will be able to see the results over the course of 2020, but in the meantime some good news could already arrive, especially possible in the early and late part of the month. Favorable Mars continues to make you strong and full of energy, while Venus gives you a December full of love and passion. Yours will truly be parties to remember!

Libra: be patient!

Dear Libra, the month of December does not begin in the best way for your sign: the entry of Jupiter into the sign of Capricorn will not be favorable for you and you will have to use a lot of caution, especially in the workplace. Venus will remain unfavorable to your sign until day 20: your love life could experience a moment of crisis and you could find yourself questioning your feelings ... fortunately the last ten days of the month will bring back the serene and allow you to spend some beautiful parties surrounded by the affection of the people you love.

Scorpio: Venus turns its back on you ...

Dear Scorpio, you were the protagonist of the month of November, but do not worry: your luck will continue even in this beautiful December, favored by the stars especially in its first half. The planet Mercury will remain in conjunction until day 9: if you haven't received good news yet, get ready because it could soon arrive! In love, however, luck will last until day 20, then the planet Venus will turn its back on you. The Christmas holidays risk bringing some extra tension to the surface with the partner, but nothing that cannot be resolved by keeping the dialogue open and the willingness to listen.

Sagittarius: getting stronger!

Dear Sagittarius, on December 3rd the long transit of Jupiter in your sign ends. This planet has certainly brought about great changes in your life for a year now, and many of you - now - find yourself experiencing things you never thought possible, whether it be new job opportunities or a breakthrough in the family. and personal. December may be a less eventful month, but it will help you feel stronger and more satisfied with your goals and choices. Mercury in conjunction starting from day 9 will give you pleasant encounters and beautiful surprises.

Capricorn: it's your time!

Dear Capricorn, your time has finally come! It had not happened for many years: both the planet Jupiter and the planet Saturn are in conjunction in your sign. This month of December will only be the prelude to a 2020 that promises to be full of professional satisfactions. Get ready because all your efforts will be rewarded, and you are a sign that you never spare! Venus, also in conjunction until day 20, gives you a lot of happiness in the sentimental field, while the planet Mercury promises important encounters, especially in the workplace. At least during the holidays, however, allow yourself a little relaxation!

Aquarius: waiting for Venus!

Dear Aquarius, the month of December will give you - starting from day 20 - a great fortune in the sentimental field, thanks to the passage of Venus in your sign. As difficult as it may seem now, you will have a very special Christmas holiday, full of love and passion. Even on the job source, the situation will be decidedly better than that of November: starting from day 9, the planet Mercury will stop hindering your plans, giving you meetings that will prove to be decisive. However, a little more fatigue remains this month due to the unfavorable position of Mars.

Pisces: towards the best!

Dear Pisces, finally the month of December has arrived, and with it the end of a year that was certainly not easy for your sign. Starting from day 3, the planet Jupiter will no longer be unfavorable and this will bring - in the next year - completely positive transformations and changes, especially in the workplace. Already in this month of December the first blocks will begin to fall and you will see success getting closer and closer. Love smiles at you and, especially in the first half of the month, the planet Venus will protect and strengthen your relationship. Attention only to the period between 9 and 19, when unfavorable Mercury could make communication with others more complicated.

Tags:  Star Properly Old-Luxury