Foods rich in potassium: what to eat so as not to be deficient

Potassium is a precious ally for the well-being of our body. Sometimes, due to an excessive loss of fluids, we can be deficient and face even serious health problems. To maintain an optimal level of potassium in the body, it is necessary to pay attention to the diet. Here, then, is the list of foods that contain the most potassium to integrate into the diet as soon as possible!

If, on the other hand, what you are missing is iron, watch this video and find out which foods it is contained in!

What is potassium and what is it used for?

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Our cells are rich in mineral salts and, in particular, in potassium. This substance is responsible for controlling the amount and flow of water that affects every single cell in our body and performing other important functions that affect cardiac and muscle activity and the functioning of the entire nervous system. It goes without saying that its presence is essential to maintain an optimal state of health and, consequently, a deficiency as well as an excess of potassium can cause considerable damage to our body.

How to replenish potassium?

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In particular, if we are low in potassium, we will inevitably feel tired and exhausted and, in all likelihood, we will experience symptoms such as headaches, nausea and muscle cramps. So, how to prevent or solve the problem? Potassium levels in cells drop when we lose body fluids such as sweat, urine, and feces. When this loss becomes excessive, for example during the summer or in case of dysentery, it is necessary to immediately reintegrate this mineral through the intake of certain foods and, in the most serious cases, of medicines. In nature there are several foods known for their high potassium content, primarily fruit and vegetables. Before discovering them together, we recommend that you do not wash them excessively otherwise the water could also wash away the potassium and not to consume them with large doses of salt, since an excessive amount of sodium could nullify the functions of the aforementioned mineral.

In fruit

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Fresh, tasty and nutritious: fruit cannot be missing from a healthy and balanced diet. To be consumed alone, in a fruit salad, immersed in yogurt or centrifuged in a home-made juice, the fruits help us to regain the energy necessary to face even the hardest days, thanks to their content of vitamins, mineral salts and, above all , potassium. In this regard, it should be noted that, contrary to popular belief, the banana is not the only fruit to contain large doses of this mineral salt. The fruit of love, in fact, is in good company: kiwi, papaya, prickly pear, melon, grapes and citrus fruits, in short, if your tests show a potassium deficiency, you will be spoiled for choice.

In the vegetable

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Together with fresh fruit, they are the main allies of our health: we are obviously talking about vegetables, an extraordinary source of vitamins, folic acid and lots and lots of potassium. If you always feel tired, exhausted, a bit as if you lack strength, you may have a lack of mineral salts. Recover immediately by filling your shopping cart with vegetables such as spinach, celeriac, artichokes, cauliflower, beets and tomatoes, in short, stock up on all that high-potassium and low-calorie vegetables. To be eaten preferably raw or steamed, without overdoing it with salt and oil and without excessive washing: let us remember, in fact, that water can also wash away potassium, depriving these foods of their infinite benefits.

In dried fruit

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Among the foods you need to stock up on if you don't want to run out of potassium there is dried fruit. Walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds and pine nuts are an inexhaustible source of this mineral salt, whose deficiency, we remember, can cause a sense of general malaise and more or less serious health problems. To avoid these dangers, give yourself a few grams of dried fruit, taking care not to exceed 30 grams per day. These foods, thanks to their potassium content, help you feel more energetic, as well as guaranteeing an immediate sense of satiety. If you don't like the idea of ​​eating them alone, you can always dip them in Greek yogurt, along with fresh fruit and some dark chocolate flakes, or add some to your salads, to make them even more tasty!

In mushrooms

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Fresh or dried, mixed in risotto or used as the main ingredient of a summer salad, mushrooms are good in every way and, in addition to giving an extra touch to even the most boring dishes, they are a precious source of potassium.

In legumes

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Among the foods richest in potassium we cannot fail to mention legumes, in particular soy and beans which contain a greater quantity of it, especially raw. Versatile and tasty, legumes can be recycled in many and varied recipes, making our diet healthy and varied. However, care must be taken not to season them with too much salt, otherwise the properties of potassium would be completely canceled. In particular, it is of fundamental importance to rinse canned legumes under running water since the liquid in which they are stored has a rather high sodium content.

In whole grains

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Bran, quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat, but also spelled, barley, corn and oats, there are several whole grains among which you can range if you want to eat foods that are rich in potassium. Cereals actually are, however, before seasoning them, it is necessary to wait until they have completely absorbed the cooking water, otherwise there is a risk that the potassium contained within them is completely dispersed. Furthermore, it is important to integrate these cereals into our diet as they are rich in nutrients, reduce the amount of bad cholesterol present in the blood, prevent the onset of heart disease and promote a prolonged sense of satiety.

In potatoes

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Other foods that perhaps many of us ignore the properties and the high potassium content are potatoes. These tubers, loved by young and old and tasty in whatever form they are cooked, have a significant amount of this mineral salt, mainly concentrated in the peel. To appreciate potatoes, in fact, it is not necessary to peel them, on the contrary, it is increasingly common for restaurateurs to serve them directly with the peel. It has been observed, precisely, that the grams of potassium contained within them drop dramatically when peeled. As an alternative to the traditional potato, it is also possible to consume the sweet variant.

In dark chocolate

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40 grams of dark chocolate a day keeps the doctor away. Well yes, in addition to being a rather tasty food, chocolate (strictly bitter!) Brings various benefits to our body. It is a natural stress reliever, helps you lose weight (when included in a low calorie diet), eliminates toxins and reduces the risk of heart disease. To these extraordinary properties, we must add its high potassium content, which can even increase if we decide to consume it accompanied by a handful of dried fruit.

In foods of animal origin

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Good news also for those who just can't give up meat or, more generally, products of animal origin such as milk, cheese and eggs. In fact, these foods also contain a good dose of potassium, however the ratio with sodium is unbalanced and this makes them less beneficial for the body than fruit and vegetables. In general, we can say that the fish with the highest potassium content is wild salmon, with a value equal to 363 mg of potassium per 100 grams of product. As for meat, however, it is estimated that 100 grams of chicken contain 497 mg, while pork about 300 mg. If you are a lover of dairy products, know that 100 grams of whole yogurt have a quantity of potassium equal to 170 mg, while in milk, strictly cow and skimmed, we find 150 mg. What about eggs instead? About 133 mg per 100 grams. Also in this case, a recommendation is a must: regardless of the cooking method, be careful not to overdo it with seasonings such as salt and oil, preferring the use of spices or aromatic herbs such as oregano, rosemary, paprika and curry.

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