Full Moon and Childbirth: How Moon Phases Affect Births

Why are full moon and childbirth two closely related aspects? There are many beliefs that attribute to the moon particular influences on pregnancy and birth. Apparently based on the phase of the moon at the time of conception, the baby could be male or female. There are also those who say that births double during the full moon. But what is true and what is pure fantasy? Before talking about it together, watch this video on the calculation of fertile days.

Full moon and childbirth: what's true?

It seems that most of the things mentioned so far are just beliefs: the peak of birth of children is random and is not affected by the full moon; Furthermore, the sex of your child is determined by a number of genetic factors and it is not the moon whether he will be born a boy or a girl.
No one prevents you from dreaming though, so if we want to believe that full moon and childbirth coincide, we can do it!
The moon is also so fascinating because it is very close to the Earth (even if thousands of kilometers away) and therefore we can observe it well, losing ourselves in its shape and its colors that constantly vary. It has always been linked to a fantastic, mythical and magical imagination, unlike the sun.
Actually, if we want to be precise something that is influenced by the moon there is, but in this case there are scientific studies that support this theory. We are talking about the influence of the moon on the tides and on the activity of volcanoes

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The calculation of childbirth based on the full moon

Many believe that there is a peak of births when the moon is full or when it is waxing, this belief arises precisely from the influence of the moon on the tides. It is thought that the child when immersed in amniotic fluid (similar to sea water) it would have to be attracted to the lunar gravity and therefore the probability of giving birth would increase.

The conviction is so strong that many have drawn up studies on it. This is a "retrospective analysis of 23,689 births, taking into consideration 1,484 lunar cycles over 120 years (from 1810 to 1929). The result was clear: there can be no correlation between the phases of the moon and the frequency of births. therefore of a legend, which is not based on any scientific basis.

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How does the full moon affect the sex of the baby?

According to the myth of the lunar calendar, the phase in which the moon is at the moment of conception would affect the sex of the unborn child: if we are in a waxing moon, there is a high probability that the baby will be male; if, on the other hand, the moon is waning, we will most likely become parents of a female.

There are other beliefs related to the full moon and childbirth, always at the moment of conception. Here are some of them:

  • when conception occurs during the waning moon, the unborn child may arrive a little later than the expected date of birth;
  • on the contrary, with a waxing moon, birth is more likely to arrive earlier than expected.

In any case, we must bear in mind that this is a superstition that has no scientific or rational basis: we know that on the planet the number of men and women is more or less equal, but as for many other beliefs, that of the lunar calendar it is related to the desire to control what one cannot dominate and what one desires.

It is therefore welcome to believe that full moon and childbirth are connected, the important thing is to be well aware that they are legends and treat the subject as a fun game to play with your partner, family and friends!

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Observe the phases of the moon to understand when the birth will be

A possible link between the phases of the moon and the date of birth could exist, mainly due to the fact that there is a coincidence between the female menstrual cycle, which usually lasts 28 days, and the duration of the so-called lunar month, of 29 days.

New moon and birth
So how do the phases of the moon affect the dates of birth? There are several currents of thought that we want to divide into two. On the one hand there are those who argue that the increase in the frequency of births came in the new moon phase, that is when our satellite is not visible from the Earth, or when it is in a waning phase. On the other hand there are those who believe the "opposite to.

Full moon and birth calculation
Everything we have reported so far has no scientific basis, but we have specified it. Several studies have shown that there is no peak in births on full moon days. However, there is an interesting study, conducted by a Spanish midwife, on the influence between the moon and childbirth.

For example, the woman discovered that there is no correlation between the full moon and the frequency of births. However, it has also shown that when there is a waning moon, there would be a greater frequency of spontaneous births. In the waxing moon phase, however, deliveries by caesarean section would be more frequent.

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