The new addictions

The new addictions
- Internet: network addiction can manifest itself in various ways - nervousness and aggression until the
"Dose" of surfing on the net has not been obtained, addiction to certain virtual relationships that are created through dating sites or chatlines ... - and often reveals a profound malaise (social immaturity, frustration, emotional or emotional emptiness ... )
- The mobile phone: today we all seem addicted to mobile phones, but, for truly "sick" people, the telephone is considered a real extension of the hand and ear, and its absence can cause panic attacks.
- The game: whether it is gambling or video games, the problem becomes pathological when the gambler no longer has other interests, and his life is organized around gambling.
- Sex: relational instability, excessive "consumption" of sexual partners, compulsive recourse to masturbation or pornography ... Sex addiction is a serious behavioral disorder, and today it has a new ally: sex toys.
- Shopping: whether it consists in robbing boutiques or shopping online, compulsive shopping often translates a void that, despite passing satisfaction, cannot be filled and generally hides a deeper malaise.
- The work: the satisfaction of a job well done can, for some individuals, become an obsession. A person can be driven by the spirit of competition or a challenge but, in the long term, this addiction has consequences on health, family and social relationships ...
- The sport: whether it is done for pleasure, to surpass oneself or to respond to contemporary social needs of physical fitness and prowess, sport can become a drug because of the endorphins that the body secretes during exertion, which give the impression of to fly.

The mechanisms of addiction
Some situations or activities bring pleasure: the brain releases dopamine, the pleasure hormone par excellence. It will act on the mind, providing a feeling of well-being, and on the body, making tensions disappear. The simple memory of this sensation can trigger the sensation of pleasure, prompting us to repeat the experience to experience the same impression of happiness again. When this thought becomes obsessive and the source of pleasure is the only engine of daily life, we can speak of addiction.

Can anyone get addicted?
Seeking pleasure is normal, indeed, it is a sign of good mental balance. There is no natural predisposition of any kind, which would make some people more susceptible than others to developing addictive behaviors. Nonetheless, depressive states or psychic vulnerability (intense stress, for example, relationship difficulties or low self-esteem) can cause a loss of control, and, therefore, favor dependent behaviors.

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The signs that don't lie
The employee devotes more and more time to his favorite activity, and ends up lying or practicing it in secret, to avoid any reproaches. He becomes aggressive and withdraws into himself: loneliness thus becomes the cause and consequence of his addiction, and he loses all contact with real life. Relationships with family and friends deteriorate, and his work can be affected if his life does not revolve around the object of his addiction.

Quitting, a long way
- Admit that you are addicted: generally, it is the people who live with the dependent individual who first identify the symptoms of deviant behavior. The victim often prefers to deny the truth, despite the obvious signs of a malaise. Admitting that you are actually addicted is difficult because it implies that you recognize your weaknesses and acknowledge that you need help getting out of a situation you no longer control. This step is fundamental: it is the starting point for a return to a "normal" life.

- A long-term cure: Behavioral addictions are not treated like addiction to products, such as drugs and alcohol. But, in both cases, it is necessary to consider the addiction and its consequences on the victim's life. After that, you have to learn again to live with the object of your addiction: since the internet or mobile phones are part of our daily life, it is difficult to be able to completely eliminate them from your environment. Some medicines may be prescribed to relieve feelings of emptiness and nervousness, but the basis of the treatment lies in the underlying psychological work. Therapy is therefore essential to understand the origin of the disorder, learn to manage one's emotions and adapt one's future behavior towards the offending object.

- Renew the ties with your life: the employee must also regain control of his family, social, professional life ... and get out of the isolation into which his addiction had forced him. It is often a difficult time, because there is often a feeling of shame. The support of your family and friends plays an important role in healing because it allows you to return to a normal life and therefore to a psychic balance essential for the success of the therapy.

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