Deworming cat: when it is necessary to resort to a deworming drug to fight the intestinal parasites of the cat

Deworming the cat is essential to ensure the well-being and health of our friends. Deworming is a procedure that takes place in the first months of the kitten immediately after weaning and consists in the "elimination of all possible intestinal parasites present in the newborn cat. If you are a" cat lover for sure you already know what we are talking about! Test your knowledge of felines: watch the video and discover many curiosities about these cute friends.

Why is cat deworming essential and should not be postponed?

Cat worms are parasites that infest the internal organs of puppies. They come to the intestines of kittens from their mother's milk but are sometimes also found in adult cats, in which case the cause is infected flea eggs. The most common worms found in cats are roundworms (a type commonly also called cylindrical worm ) and tapeworms. If the cat is not wormed as a puppy, its bone and muscle growth is compromised because the worms do not allow it to absorb all the nutrients necessary for proper development. The presence of worms causes damage to the immune system and can compromise in irreversible way the health of your cat. In short, deworming must be done. In many cases, especially in puppy cats, it is not easy to realize the presence of worms. It may happen to see them with the naked eye in feces or vomit: they are small white filaments that in reality they are not real worms but bits of tapeworm full of eggs. If in your cat's vomit or feces you notice these white bits similar to cchi of rice contact your veterinarian immediately. Often the presence of intestinal worms is not accompanied by other symptoms. However, if it is a severe parasite infestation, your cat may also have recurrent vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss or even a very swollen tummy.

See also

Cat cystitis: a painful urinary tract problem for your kitty

Neem oil for plants: natural and effective against insects and parasites

Cat mites: a serious ailment for your 4-legged friend

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How to tell if deworming is necessary

In general, all kittens suffer from roundworms for which the kitten must be wormed regularly, from the first weeks until the complete resolution of the problem. Usually the first deworming is done at week 4, week 6 and then week number 8 and then repeated when the kitten is 4 months old and then 6 months old. Adult cats also suffer from worms: it is a less frequent problem but regular deworming is always necessary to prevent and solve the problem even at an early stage. Usually the adult cat should be dewormed at least every 6 months with a deworming medicine that can kill roundworms and tapeworms. Much, however, also depends on the lifestyle of your cat, if he goes out frequently. Obviously a domestic cat is much less likely to encounter parasites on its path than the animal that lives in the countryside or goes out every day on the roofs of the city! This is because worms can also be transmitted by infected flea eggs: for a puppy cat or even for an adult cat it is as important as grooming (rules and preventative elimination of fleas). If you have a dog then remember that it is also necessary to deworm and groom the dog to prevent your pets from passing worms, fleas and eggs! any doubts regarding the deworming of your cat or your dog always contact the veterinarian who will be able to advise you in the best possible way!

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Deworming drugs: ask the vet when the time is right!

Eliminating parasites from cats and kittens is essential to avoid future consequences. Cat parasites, as we have seen, can be eradicated with a simple deworming drug. These drugs quickly and painlessly eliminate all traces of parasites from cats and kittens. It is advisable to check with the veterinarian first with a thorough examination of the feces of the cat for the presence of roundworms and tapeworms or possibly eggs of these worms and then proceed with the most appropriate treatment always based on the advice of the specialist. Surely you take care of your cat from the first months with love and dedication: a good owner, however, never neglects the deworming of his little friend, always remember it! Like all other parasites, worms represent a frequent and easy to solve problem that should not be underestimated, however, because you run the risk of endangering your cat's health. The other parasites that can infest the cat must also always be kept under control. Always ask your vet about a suitable anti-flea product to ward off fleas and prevent them from nesting in the cat's hair, and always check the cleanliness of the ears to make sure there are no mites.

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If you also have a dog at home, make sure that the products you use for the dog are not harmful to the cat: a drug could be very effective in protecting your dog from fleas or ticks but harmful to cats. Always check the package insert of the drug or pesticide product you choose for the well-being of your animals. There are also pesticides on the market that keep the many hated fleas away from your pet on the basis of natural active ingredients. Even if they do not contain medicine they are equally effective: one of these natural remedies to fight external parasites (not intestinal ones!) Is Neem oil.
If your cat also has intestinal worms, however, there is no need to be alarmed. Deworming is very easy and is by no means an invasive treatment. The veterinarian, after checking the presence of parasites in the feces, gives the kitten a deworming tablet that eliminates the worms and also the eggs, these are very effective and easy to find drugs. Usually dogs ingest a few tablets more willingly, giving the tablet to the cat could be more complicated, but you can always try to put the medicine in the food, a very small morsel is enough to succeed!

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As a drug it solves the problem of worms in cats and kittens

It is not easy to realize that something is wrong because the cat rarely exhibits symptoms due to the presence of worms. However, even in adult cats it can happen to recognize with the naked eye the presence of worms such as white filaments or grains of rice. Alternatively, to stay calm, collect a stool sample and have it analyzed by the vet to rule out the occult presence of larvae or worms. If your cat is infested with parasites you need to give him a deworming tablet. These tablets can also be found on the market without a prescription but it is good not to rely on DIY. Contact your veterinarian and have them prescribe or recommend the most suitable tablets for your cat also because there are different types based on the parasites to be defeated. Some products are suitable for fighting hookworms and roundworms, but may not be suitable for eliminating tapeworms. Even after having carried out the deworming treatment, after a few days, it is advisable to repeat the examination of the cat's feces to prevent its reappearance. This is because when you administer the worming tablets, the medicines often fail to work against the eggs or larvae. It is necessary to repeat the treatment after a few weeks to feel more relaxed!
If your cat vomits, ask your vet for an opinion: cat lovers know that it is often hair ingestion problems, but some face vomiting can hide more serious diseases than felines, including a severe infestation with intestinal parasites. . It is always better to take your furry pet to the vet and dispel any doubts!

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