Hypothyroidism: what is it and how is it treated?

Sometimes it is difficult to diagnose, because in adults it progresses very slowly and the accompanying symptoms are non-specific: weight gain, fatigue, weakness. Only at a later stage of the disease can a swelling of the face called myxedema appear.Apart from some environmental problems, such as those that occur in geographic areas with iodine deficiency, the most frequent cause of hypothyroidism is represented by autoimmune thyroiditis, such as Hashimoto's thyroiditis.

    To know more: thyroid, let's get to know it

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    The symptoms and consequences of this disease are in any case perfectly resolvable thanks to the adoption of a personalized replacement therapy, aimed at integrating hormonal insufficiencies with the intake of levothyroxine, an active ingredient similar to thyroid hormone T4. Especially in some particular situations it is essential to start therapy promptly to avoid the onset of serious problems.

    For example, during pregnancy: the thyroid of the unborn child, in fact, still does not work and the thyroid hormones it needs for proper brain development are entirely transmitted by the mother. Any deficiencies would therefore be able to lead to mental and growth delays in the child, and it is for this reason that women of childbearing age are strongly recommended to carry out a screening with hormonal dosages, so as to be able to identify the problem in time.

    For further information: the thyroid in pregnancy

    Hormone replacement therapy is a chronic treatment, which means that it must be followed forever, but with the correct dosages it allows patients to maintain an "excellent quality of life. The personalization of therapy based on age, weight, etc., explains Dr. Marco Centanni, University Endocrinologist Wisdom of Rome, in fact, allows you to avoid over or under dosage errors, often at the root of patient dissatisfaction with the treatment followed.

    In this regard, it must be specified that there are differences between the various formulations of levothyroxine available today, and with some it is easier to calibrate a correct dosage: for example, the innovative liquid formulations in oral solution have great versatility and a high satisfaction rate among patients, ensuring more effective absorption than traditional tablet formulations.

    in collaboration with Il Portale della Salute

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