Feed your inner strength: interview with Titty and Flavia

Women are strong beings, and this is a fact. But what fuels the inner strength of women, incredible machines of everyday life? To get the opinion of women who are influential but at the same time well rooted in everyday life, alfemminile has carried out a series of interviews, together with SpecialK, to find out what inner strength means: in this article we interview Titty & Flavia, experts in home economics or, or rather, true Queens of the house!

The global research commissioned by Special K involved 6,000 women aged between 21 and 55, from 6 countries and had as its object, in fact, the inner strength which, according to the interviewees, is characterized by its multidimensional being and for its dynamism and helps women to face everyday life and overcome daily challenges.

And what better opinion to listen to than that of Titty and Flavia, friends in life and professional partners for several years, as well as highly successful bloggers of House Solutions, the blog with a thousand home economics solutions.

1. What does your inner strength consist of? What meaning do you attribute to it?

Flavia: For us, inner strength is the synthesis of our vital energies that take shape and help us to face everyday life, from small emergencies to bigger problems. It varies from person to person but remains a fundamental element.
In our opinion, inner strength is very important because life is created from within us. Wanting to make a comparison is just like any birth, one of the key moments in the life of every woman.

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2. How did you build your inner strength and how does this come out in your daily life?

Titty: Personally we have tried to find a contact with ourselves, an honest, deep and authentic contact and starting from this we have found an inner serenity that is also useful in our daily life.
When you are solid, everything is better. And it is even better because there are two of us and we nurture inner strength by supporting us.
For example, I mainly deal with new ideas, new projects and styling, I could not carry on with so much conviction what I think and collaborate better with Flavia if my inner strength did not give me the right push to be able to do it.

3. According to the Special K survey, inner strength for women is just as important as happiness. Aesthetic beauty, on the other hand, seems to lose value. 92% of women think inner strength is more important and 51%, on the other hand, think outer beauty is more important. What do you think? Do you believe that inner strength is as important as happiness?

Flavia: Inner strength is crucial to one's happiness. Starting from one's inner balance and emotional stability, it is easier to achieve what we want and thus get closer to happiness.
We cannot be happy without having contact with ourselves and freeing our inner strength.
I have within me a state of happiness that is an integral part of my way of being. I owe this state of mine, which is the key to my inner strength, to what I experienced during my childhood, to how I grew up to the values ​​of self-esteem and harmony that my parents have always transmitted to me.

4. Another important finding is that 77% of the women interviewed are aware that they have inner strength but do not know how to use them, and one in two women believes that they do not give voice to their inner strength as they would like. What is your experience? What awareness do you have of your inner strength and what role does this play in your life? What lever do you use to release your inner strength?

Titty: The family, our work, all the past life is the result of the inner strength that has allowed us to face the challenges of every day with the right energy and also with joy.
We draw inner strength from having continuous ideas and transforming them into actions, with creativity and authenticity. Inner strength for us also means knowing how to always find a solution to any type of problem.
The key to releasing inner strength is a good mood. In the most difficult moments we try not to break down and face everything with a smile. We like to think that despite adversity the sun can always shine and that this heats up, helping us to release inner strength and ideas to solve everything in the best way!
I have maintained a good mood, always believing in life and its dynamics even when I have had to deal with important family health conditions which, thanks to my inner strength, I have seized as an opportunity.

Flavia: when my inner strength and my sense of happiness falter, immerse myself in nature, slow down the pace, being alone gives me the energy to find myself.

5. For 63% of the women interviewed, food is an important element that gives strength to women, for 64% breakfast in particular is able to provide all the mental and physical strength to better face the day and for 66% a healthy and nutritious nutrition helps you feel better. What role does food - and breakfast - play for you in fueling your mental and physical strength every day?

Titty: Food, being for us one of the greatest joys in life, always represents a moment of good humor. We are interested in good food, as long as it is healthy and good for you.
Breakfast is a great strength of the day, it is essential for us to give us the right energy that feeds our creativity and our ability in problem solving. We could never start the day without a breakfast with tasty and also good cereals.
We do it together with our families and it is an important moment in which we sit down at the table and prepare to face the day, supporting each other, and with the strength of a smile!
Breakfast is the moment where together with family and often friends guests, I set the good mood of my day which, helped by healthy, pleasant and well presented food, gives me the strength to accommodate every difficulty at best!

Flavia: The scent of coffee, getting up half an hour earlier to be able to savor my breakfast alone, with the windows open, the joy of having my table set for everyone with everything that everyone eats differently, and still being able to enjoy a moment for me, it really gives me the strength to face the day!

Find out the answers to the survey by Giorgia Surina and Karen P.!

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