15 rules you need to follow when starting a diet

Sweets are one of the things to give up when on a diet. And they are not the only thing ... Eh, yes, the diet is made up of harsh realities, keeping in mind the goal: the achievement of a healthy weight.

The results of a diet often reward, and feel good, convince us that dieting and making some sacrifices was perhaps the right choice. We must therefore say goodbye to the following foods ...

Foods to say goodbye to ...

See also

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How to lose 15 kg: tips to do it

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The 15 rules to follow during the diet

1. Diets always start on Mondays

It is good to start immediately on the right foot, with order and consistency. A diet should always be started on a Monday. And then it's easier to follow the weekly schedule that many nutritionists give ...

2. Talk to yourself

Talking to yourself is good for you when on a diet. An inner dialogue that helps to keep order between what is allowed and what is forbidden, between progress and relapses ...

3. Drink lots of fruit and vegetable juices

Spinach, cabbage, apple, lemon ... Smoothies and juices designed to purify the body, or stimulate certain functions, will often be for you. Take advantage of them, they are not so bad ...

4. Watch out for parties and birthdays!

Holidays, birthdays, celebrations are definitely not allies during a diet. It will be hard to keep your intentions steady, but still better than having to start over, right?

5. Chia seeds, goji berries ...

Chia seeds, goji berries ... all foods that you will have to familiarize with if you are on a diet. They are useful, healthy, and even good!

6. Farewell, Chinese cuisine!

Sauteed rice, fried chicken ... Chinese cuisine is not exactly the ideal diet if you are on a diet. Some falls are allowed, of course, but even in that case, better not to overdo it!

7. The cocktails? Only the low calorie ones!

You don't have to give up going out with friends and having fun, it's a diet, not the cloister. However, as you know, alcohol has a lot of calories, so choose low calorie cocktails. Ask at the bar!

8. Live day to day

Every day, during a diet, is a challenge, because every day you will have temptations, or you will simply want to let it go. Live day by day, and in the evening you will emerge victorious, ready to start again!

9. Pastries, cross and delight

If the temptation for sweets is too strong, and when you pass a pastry shop things are worse, just don't expose yourself to certain temptations. Do not go through the streets where you know you will find a pastry shop, and everything will be easier.

10. Take yourself seriously

When you announce that you want to go on a diet, you are often not taken seriously. To believe your diet, you have to be first. When others see how determined you are, they will stop being skeptical or critical, and will even help you out when they invite you out for dinner, or to their house.

11. Learn to appreciate healthy foods

Seeds, centrifuged, boiled vegetables. At first you may hate them, but if you learn to appreciate their value, their taste, everything becomes simpler. And it's also a way of not always eating the same things!

12. Goodbye cheap burgers

Those burgers and cheeseburgers for 1 euro, designed to be bought with a light heart, must definitely disappear from your habits, diet or not!

13. Say goodbye to meat

Meat with baked potatoes, roasts of all kinds, and who knows what else: meat should be completely eliminated from your diet. If you really can't, white meat cooked in the simplest way possible can be there. exception.

14. Cultivate self-discipline

An advantage of the diet, in addition to that of a healthy weight and general well-being, is a certain victory over temptations. Enjoy your self-discipline, and be happy with yourself, when you realize how you can control yourself without suffering too much from certain sacrifices ...

15. Never let your guard down!

Diet is a constant challenge. Even after reaching the ideal weight, the difficult thing is to maintain it, without having relapses. In general, your achievement should be a certain balance, a greater awareness of what you eat and how you eat it, and a "self-discipline that accompanies you in all your choices. Never let your guard down, and continue to feed yourself with balance and intelligence too. after the "battle" is over ...