3-day fast - a testimony of the benefits

More and more we hear about the benefits of a restricted fasting period. Despite the undoubted difficulties, it has been noted how fasting favors the disposal of toxins accumulated in the body over time and how it can do well not only physically, but also mentally. Obviously, you can not eat for a few days, without overdoing it and without ever forgetting that there are foods that should never be missing from a "healthy" diet.

We collected the testimony of Anais, a French nurse, who experienced three days of fasting and told us about the benefits of this experience.

See also

Intermittent fasting: example of an on-off diet to lose weight quickly

Fasting mimicking diet: what to eat? An example and a scheme to get started

How to lose 3 kilos in two weeks: the diet to follow

How did the idea of ​​doing a 3-day fast come about?

I have been tempted for a long time. It was a solution to detoxify, lose "love handles", stop my sugar addiction and stop burdening my stomach.

In Germany, one in three people has usually tried fasting before. In France and also in Italy we don't talk about it much, except on some blogs.
Patients always told me about it, especially those of them who had had cancer. Also, I had documented myself by reading various books on the subject, but with two small children and a hard job I didn't think it was worth it.

The turning point: what if I fasted with a "friend?"

A friend of mine offered me a "home" fast with her in the south of France. Three days without husband and children, affordable for my tight budget.

My food preparation

A few days before starting, I had only eaten vegetables, brown rice and fruit. I also gave up on coffee and tea.
When I got to my friend's house, we emptied all the food from the lockers so as not to be tempted and drank some prune juice the day before we started.
We then mixed the hot water with magnesium sulfate, which is inexpensive, readily available in health food stores, and works to clean up the digestive system. It was an undrinkable blend, but radical enough to reduce hunger and promote bowel movement.

First day: easy

On Friday night I had a quiet evening.
The next day, Saturday, we drank herbal teas all day and, in general, we had to take at least 1.5 liter of water a day. We went for a 3 hour walk in nature, without having to take care of anything or anyone. We just chatted and took care of ourselves.
We went to bed quite tired.

Second day: challenging

Sunday, on the other hand, was a difficult day.
I felt powerless compared to the previous day, even though I didn't feel an urgent desire to eat, just to do nothing all the time. It felt like the toxins were leaving my body.

Lemon juice and broth on the menu

During the day, we consumed half a lemon squeezed in hot water. Then we walked for another three hours. The feeling of hunger has subsided completely.
In the evening we drank a vegetable broth, without eating the vegetables because the aim remains to grant the intestine some time of absolute rest.
We had massages, face masks and dedicated ourselves to the beauty routine as we have not done for a long time. We went to bed early that evening too.

Third day: everything got easier

On Monday morning, when I woke up, I took a teaspoon of honey because my head was spinning too much.
My friend Sarah was holding up better.
We did some stretching and then we did a three hour walk again to pass the time, get some oxygen and think about something else.

However, I felt tired. Also, we both felt a strange taste in our mouths that "prevented" us from feeling hungry.

Finally some positive feeling!

And then around 6 pm, everything changed for me: I regained my energy, I was no longer hungry, I felt light. It was a great feeling.

On this third evening's menu, once again there was only vegetable broth.

After a restful night, I woke up so happy that I resisted, finished my fast and returned to my normalcy with my children.

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My verdict at the end of this fast

After three days of fasting, I lost 3.5 kg, I regained my figure and my skin looks brighter.
Sarah continued on a fourth day on the diet, as she wished to lose more weight. At the end of the fasting days she lost 6 kg and was very happy with the result.

Don't go back to a rich diet too quickly

You have to slowly resume eating normally. Be careful not to do anything that can lead to intestinal problems. For example, it is better not to eat proteins, even if in the case of eggs you can only take the egg white. Likewise, no dairy products for about a week.
Also, avoid sugar for some time and always drink a lot.

When you wake up, you eat three dried plums that you put in the fridge the day before in a little "d" water to make them swell with flax seeds, ground so that the body can assimilate them.
Also for breakfast you can eat a cake made with a special recipe - of which I will provide you with the ingredients - an herbal tea or even a glass of rice milk.

At midday, eat raw or cooked vegetables and some cereals. A boiled potato can also be eaten.
In the evening there is room for salads, various vegetables, brown rice or lentils.

Anaïs personal recommendations

My advice for those who want to give it a try: spend some time away from home, perhaps with a friend, be well prepared and stay moderate while recovering.
Pay attention and be attentive to your reactions.
Like all diets, even for fasting it is best to consult your doctor before starting it.

It is a real adventure that allows you to resume good eating habits. By restarting a healthy and moderate diet ten days later, I have not regained my unsightly pounds and I feel very fit. Good luck!

My recipe for morning and midday crêpes

The basic recipe
> Put 250 g of two organic flours in a bowl (buckwheat, spelled, chestnut or millet flour or, if pre-cooked, soy flour, but avoid flours that acidify the body such as wheat, barley flour , oat or rye), ie 500 g of flour in total.
> Add cinnamon or ground ginger, or vanilla (for the morning), sunflower seeds or raisins, a cup of water and 500ml pure apple juice. Mix together.
> Leave the dough to rest in the refrigerator.
> Then cook the crêpes, also called crespelle, on a plate or in a non-stick pan.

At midday
Add sprouted lentils or sunflower seeds or sesame or oil seeds of your choice.
> Mix with a cup of water to make a paste.
> In a salad bowl, cut small herbs or vegetables of your choice: garlic, horseradish, rocket, lovage, mint, leafy leek, green onion tail, borage, nettle, sorrel.
> Add 500 ml of sauerkraut (or beetroot) juice fermented with organic fermented milk. And a little oil. Grate a clove of garlic inside.
> Pour the herb sauce into the salad bowl mixed with the flours.
Cook this batter in a waffle iron or pan. It's delicious.

For more information on fasting formulas, consult the Humanitas website.

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