5 things to never lend to anyone

There are things that are best kept to oneself, not for reasons of mere selfishness or because we are terribly jealous of our possessions, but because by lending them we could run into unpleasant inconveniences!

1. Make up brushes

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There are an infinite number of them on the market and most of the time we use them for months, without worrying about cleaning or changing them, thus allowing our dead skin to nestle among the bristles.
I agree to be friends for a lifetime, but there are things that are really best to keep to yourself.

2. The towels

In addition to having a deadline, there is a reason why they invented the washcloths, those cute microscopic guest towels that, once used, are ready to be washed.
Towels absorb moisture from the air and therefore, in addition to personal use, it is good to put them in the washing machine regularly.

3. The earphones

Even if Brad Pitt himself lends them to us, common sense should lead us not to accept the offer. Everyone should have theirs and, in the case of movies on the train or romantic music sharing on public transport, it is possible to use a splitter, a practical accessory that allows you to connect multiple headsets to the same device.

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4. The razor

Quite intuitive but it is always good to repeat certain things: there is no hair removal emergency that takes. Everyone must have their own razor, it can happen to cause scratches, it can happen that you have not cleaned it well and it can happen that bacteria lurk between the blades. Better not.

5. The lipsticks

As crazy as we want to steal our sister's, herpes or viruses hide on the lips and saliva and therefore, in order to avoid contracting diseases, it is highly recommended to clean them from time to time with a piece of paper and not to lend them to anyone, regardless. the degree of kinship we have.
In the meantime ... We can still feast our eyes and meditate on the next purchases!

Tags:  Kitchen Marriage Lifestyle