How to remove oil stains quickly and easily

By reading this article you will discover how to remove oil stains, of course olive but also, for example, of natural oils that are very important for your beauty routine. The oil at the table is a healthy and balanced food that helps you stay in shape. Natural oils are precious for your beauty. Do not give up their properties for fear of stains. Discover the advantages of having the oil of lavender, wading this video!

How to remove oil stains: salt, alcohol, lemon, wine vinegar, talc

What to do if you stain your dress with oil in a restaurant? If you are out for dinner, be content to rub the stain with absorbent paper, to prevent it from sticking too much to the fabric. Then rub plenty of salt over it for 5 minutes. so that the grease doesn't get too deep into the fabric. Or ask the waiter for baby powder or some flour or corn starch, sprinkle the stain well, let it dry and then remove the dust with a specific fabric brush . All is to remove it as soon as possible. As soon as you are home, soak the garment in soapy water for about half an hour, do a gentle hand wash and then rinse. If the grease stain is very resistant, use the alcohol at 90 °. A few drops of alcohol and the stain goes away. Then wash the garment with soap and water. Thanks to citric acid, lemon is an excellent degreaser, but you have to be careful not to ruin the elegant stained dress. By rubbing a lemon slice on the greased part and washing the garment in hot water with detergent you can easily remove the stain. White wine vinegar is also great for removing the most difficult stains. One of the most traditional methods for oil stains remove is talc, traditionally suitable for removing grease from clothes. Talc is also suitable for degreasing surfaces or furnishings, clothing, but not if it is convenient to exceed its use for personal hygiene. . Spread a certain amount of talc on the stain, it is then brushed and the grease is reabsorbed.

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How to remove oil stains: corn starch, chalk, baking soda and dish detergent

Even corn starch, applied to oil stains that have relentlessly affected our clothes, especially if they are fresh, absorbs the grease very well and prevents the grease from sticking too much to the fabric and absorbs grease, such as talc, very well. After applying it, wait a while and then brush it off. To remove body oil stains that remain on a dress, simply chop up some chalk, scrub it with a brush on the stained area and then wash the garment by hand or in the washing machine. depending on how you usually do. Sodium bicarbonate, which is also used in the kitchen, very effectively eliminates the most resistant grease stains, thanks to its astringent and whitening properties as well as those of stubborn dirt, preventing them from adhering tenaciously to the fabric . After rubbing it on the oil-stained area, you can add some wine vinegar, then brush and wash the garment. Dishwashing detergent is very degreasing and can remove oil stains from clothes well. on the greased part, rubbed a little, not too vigorously (the fabric of the garment can be damaged and lint or be eroded by the product) and then rinsed with hot water.

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How to remove oil stains: grandmother's remedies

These are all ingredients that for sure you already have at home normally. Almost no home lacks talcum powder, dish soap, alcohol, salt. If there is a grease stain on the duvet, try with talcum powder and absorbent paper to avoid spreading the stain. The absorbent paper should also be placed underneath so as not to stain the other side of the jacket. Leave the talcum powder to act for half an hour, then brush: the talcum powder absorbs the oil perfectly. Now that it has turned from powder to cream, mixed with the oil, collect it with a teaspoon and cover the stain again with dry baking soda, letting it act overnight, until the fat is completely absorbed. Also on the duvet you can try with salt with corn starch, with dish detergent, with ethyl alcohol or with salt, especially if it is a suede jacket. They are all effective grandmother's remedies, which have always been used at home. In addition, excellent degreasers and stain removers are also carbonated drinks, thanks to the carbon dioxide contained in them. Fill a tray with water and two glasses of coke or other carbonated drink; leave the garment in water for an hour and then wash with hand or machine washing detergent. To remove stains without washing the stained garment, you can try it with an iron. Open a paper bread bag. Place a sheet on the stain, then wipe it with a hot iron . The heat moves the grease from the garment to the paper. Repeat the operation, until you can completely remove the oil stain. Do not iron or tumble dry a garment that had previous oil stains, as the heat can make the grease visible again.

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How to remove very intense oil stains: mild bleach

Very intense stains do not go away with normal washing. They must first be treated with special products, which detach the grease from the fabric. Cover all stains with the Bleach Mousse Spray, unbeatable at defeating the most complicated stains. Wait 5 minutes and then wash the garment. Do not mix various substances in order not to discolor the garment and not to rub vigorously, especially if the fabric is delicate. For whites, set the wash to 40 ° C and put the detergent dispenser in the drum. Even the most delicate and colored clothes with oil stains should be pre-treated. Use a product that respects all types of fabrics and colors and does not make fabrics dull or eroded. You can use a very delicate bleach; after covering the stains with the product, wait 5 minutes. Then put the clothes in the washing machine or wash them by hand. For both white and colored garments, the additive, which must also be suitable for silk or wool garments, can be poured into the basket on the clothes. Then add the detergent to the washing machine drum. The water must be at a low temperature: 40 ° C for colors with greater resistance, 30 ° C for delicate fabrics. Past the fear? Now you know so many ways to get oil stains out of your beloved clothing and your best underwear. Now it's your turn to put them to the test.

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