10 tips to sleep well and wake up in a great mood

To start the day on the right foot there is nothing better than a restful sleep. Often, however, problems, environmental stresses and bad habits prevent us from resting well and in some cases even cause real problems of insomnia. .

If you follow these 10 simple tips you can say goodbye to the nights spent in white staring at the ceiling and you will wake up in the morning rested and in a great mood!

Before you finish reading this article, watch this video to find out how many hours you should sleep at night based on your zodiac sign.

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1. Watch out for dinner

Pay attention to what you eat and drink 3 hours before bed. Tea, coffee, cola-based drinks, stimulants and alcohol should be avoided in the evening as well as large binges that would take too long to digest. If you have to overdo it, do it for lunch.

2. Take a warm bath

A warm bath or shower before going to bed is recommended because they relax the respiratory muscles and mucous membranes. The goal is to warm the extremities of the body to promote a peaceful sleep; the mechanisms that regulate the temperature in fact influence those that control sleep.

3. Grandma's remedies

A traditional remedy that works is to drink a glass of warm milk before bed. As it is rich in tryptophan, the amino acid precursor of serotonin which is one of the fundamental neurotransmitters of the sleep-wake cycle, milk can be of great help for those who have difficulty falling asleep.

4. The bed

To be able to enjoy a good rest, the bed is essential. The bottom must be rigid and not too soft. The ideal bases are those made of wooden slats, the best pillows are in wool or cotton and the mattress, preferably orthopedic, rather hard.

5. Respect the timetables

Try to go to bed and always wake up at the same time, in order to help the circadian rhythm - or the 24-hour cycle - to structure itself on well-defined times. Often sleeping badly is a sign of a wrong and unregulated lifestyle.

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6. Unplug

Get used to getting away from the problems and stresses of the day at least a couple of hours before going to bed. Dim the lights, limit noise, business phone calls, emails and schedules for the next day. Also postpone any discussions - with your partner or children - everything can wait. To prepare for a good sleep, you must first put yourself in a state of tranquility and relaxation.

7. Have sex

The state of muscular and mental relaxation after intercourse and the sense of fulfillment that takes over optimally reconcile sleep, thus banning laziness; when you have finished washing the dishes do not give in to the lure of the sofa, but get busy!

8. Turn off TV and PC

In addition to performing an exciting function, the computer and the TV are two light sources that inhibit the release of melatonin, the hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle, should therefore be turned off at least 2 hours before going to bed.

9. Make yourself an herbal tea

The herbal tea in the evening reconciles sleep and gently promotes relaxation. The most suitable plants are the lemon balm, passionflower, linden and valerian that facilitate sleep by supporting the neurovegetative sphere. Opt for hawthorn or Roman chamomile if you also suffer from anxiety.

10. Get help

In some cases, psychological support can be effective, especially if the insomnia becomes chronic. In this case, in fact, it is good to identify and act on the causes that determine the disorder and on the behavioral factors that maintain it over time.