Red color: meaning and properties on the mind

The world of colors fascinates both for the meanings that lie behind all the shades and for the properties that each of them has on our mind.In general, three primary colors are known, with the exception of black and white. These are yellow, blue and red. The latter, in all its nuances, has taken on a rich symbolism over the course of time and falls into the category of "friendly colors" for those who rely on armocromia.

Symbology and meaning of the red color

«Red is the color of life. It is the blood, the passion, the anger. It is the menstrual flow and blood after birth. Red is the color of love. The beating heart and the hungry lips ».

Over the years, a rich symbolism has been created around the red color that has made this shade even more fascinating. This symbolism boasts multiple meanings that are found not only in art, but also in everyday life.

  • Passion, physical love: red has always been a symbol of "Eros, understood as carnal and passionate love. Red is the passion that overwhelms lovers, it is the flame that lights up in the hearts of two lovers, but red is also pure and romantic love, made of connection between heart and mind. It is therefore not surprising why this color is became the favorite and the emblem of the whole love sphere, with all its nuances. For example, up until the nineteenth century, brides wore red; for years the neighborhoods of prostitution have been referred to as "red lights"; all accessories related to love, from Valentine's Day hearts to roses, are red.
  • Anger and Shame: Red links directly to heated and overwhelming feelings that are not limited to amorous passion. It also takes on the meaning of anger, anger and rage, which is also explained by the manifestation on the face of those who feel these emotions. The same goes for the saying "red with shame", a typical reaction of those who blush with embarrassment.
  • Power and luxury: throughout the course of history and in various cultures, red has been the color of the clothing of kings, nobles and religious, as can be seen in the various testimonies found in the world of art. that it became a symbol of luxury, seizure of power and even struggle.

See also

Yellow color: meaning and properties on the mind

Meaning of colors: symbology and properties on the mind

Blue color: symbolism, meaning and effects on the mind

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  • Fire: of the four natural elements, the one in which red is manifested is, in fact, fire. Thus it has also become an emblem of continuous transformation, of the source of life and even of the spirit constantly striving upwards. However, with fire there is a risk of being burnt and, for this reason, this color symbolizes all the vital impulses, for good and in evil, from joy to the most immoderate desires.
  • Blood: precisely because it is the color of blood, red has also taken on the meaning of vital lymph, energy and charge, as well as that of an authentic source of life.
  • Danger: given its ability to attract attention, red is used in various signs that indicate the presence of a danger: from road to sea, to become the symbol of many organizations and structures that deal with emergencies, like the Red Cross.

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The properties of the color red on the mind

As with the other colors, the effects it causes on the minds of the people it comes into contact with have also been identified for red. Furthermore, chromotherapy is increasingly demonstrating how the various existing shades can be our allies in fighting even body ailments and pains. Proceeding in order, it is found that red is able to keep the senses alive and activate the energies. Being the color of movement, strength and vitality, if you choose to paint a wall of the house or to diffuse a light of this shade, then you are going to create a dynamic and stimulating environment, a real panacea for creativity.

For these reasons it is recommended as a dye for offices, living rooms and kitchens, while it should be avoided in a bedroom or in any room intended to be a place of relaxation and relaxation for the mind. In this case, in fact, it is better to prefer blue or purple.

Turning, instead, to the benefits that are found on the body, there is a wide use of red through light to stimulate circulation or, again according to chromotherapy, to increase the number of red blood cells in the blood, thus able to effectively help in cases of anemia.

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“Red is a great clarifier - bright and revealing. I can't imagine getting bored with red - it would be like getting bored with the person I love. '

As already mentioned, those who love this color show certain character aspects that differentiate it from those who prefer other shades, such as, for example, blue or green. In fact, red lovers are usually expansive people with great vital energy, who are not afraid of challenges and competitions, but who rather want to test themselves and excel in what interests them. This makes them particularly competitive, especially towards themselves. However, this attitude of audacity, security and desire to be at the center of attention also leads to defects. In those who prefer the color red, restlessness, irritability and presumption are often found.

On the contrary, people who prefer a "different shade than red, especially a cold one, such as blue or purple, are more calm and introverted, loving the quiet and serenity of uncrowded places and not being in the spotlight.

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The brief history of the color red

Unlike other shades such as yellow, red has always played a central role throughout history, traced by Michel Pastoureau, essayist and expert on the theme and theory of colors. From the beginning it was used to distinguish the nobles from the plebs thanks to its use in the dyeing of clothing, as can also be found in Roman times. Following this trail of prestige and royalty, during the Middle Ages Popes and cardinals began to dress in red followed by knights of various orders.

Towards the end of the "middle age", however, there was a change of course for some religious, as this color began to be associated with demonic and sinful figures. This ambivalence was also evident in women's clothing, where the brides wore red - and not white - to symbolize the divine love that fell upon them, and the prostitutes wore a headdress of the same shade to be recognized as a symbol of carnal love.

In various cultures, today red is the color par excellence for attracting attention, used both in signage and in advertising slogans. In addition, it has become the emblem of many holidays, from Christmas to Valentine's Day, up to being chosen as a visual means to indicate struggles, demonstrations and rebellions. No less important is its use in the health and research sector, where it is found in symbols that identify studies on the heart or the fight against HIV and AIDS.

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