Abs for women: at home and in no time with these exercises!

Strengthening the abdominals of women is not always simple: you need to find the right exercises and follow a "correct diet to succeed in achieving defined abs, without, however, exaggerating: we want a body ready for the swimsuit test, not for a leotard competition. builder!

Women's abdominals are a weak point for many of us: abdominal fat seems an insurmountable problem for postmenopausal women, but even for younger women, the "belly" remains a difficult question to solve.
Difficult, but not impossible: we have specially designed for you a plan with abdominal exercises for women aimed at getting a flat stomach and with a diet that, more than a diet, resembles a healthier and more regular lifestyle.
What you have to do is promise yourself commitment, dedication and patience: your sculpted abs will not be long in showing!

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Abs for women: the exercises to do at home

What you are looking for are abdominal exercises for women: what we offer you are abdominal exercises to do at home, so that you do not have to endure the tedium and anguish of a membership in the gym.
With these abdominal exercises for women you will find the physical shape you want, without necessarily having to use machines or tools of torture typical of the weight rooms.

The first abdominal exercise for women that we propose is the classic crunch: knowing how to perform these simple, but fundamental movements in the correct way and, at the same time, being able to regulate breathing is the first step to obtain toned abs.
Watch the video for a quick review!

One type of training that we find very useful is that which uses a gymnastic tool. Fear not: we're not asking you to buy one of those hellish machines, but to have a handlebar handy. Simple to hide once used, it is a very useful tool for developing abdominals in women.
In this video we explain how to use the dumbbell to perform a muscle workout suitable for strengthening the abdominals.

If you've just given birth, or have recently become a mother, this postpartum abs for women video will come in handy. Fitness isn't - and doesn't have to be! - your main goal when you are in the company of your baby; at the same time it is right, if we wish, to find a way to attempt to summarize a pre-maternity aspect.
These abs for women are specially designed for new mothers and are simple to make: watch the video and copy the workout!

Oblique abdominals: the most effective exercises for women

Among the most sought-after abdominal exercises for women, the oblique ones are definitely in the top 3.
And this again demonstrates how attentive we women are to details: often underestimated, oblique abdominals in women are as essential as in men because they redefine the belly and help achieve that flat stomach effect that so many of us desire.
As an exercise to strengthen the oblique abdominals for women we suggest the side plank: at the beginning it will seem difficult to hold the position for more than 20 seconds, but try to reach 30 per side. After a week of training, try to increase the time and the results will not be long in coming!

The exercises for the lower abdominals for women

Another critical point: the lower abdominals, bitter enemies of our costume test! Being able to strengthen the lower abdominal muscles for women, and to permanently make the bacon disappear, is the dream of many of us.
Lower abs require more effort and patience because they need to be treated with targeted exercises. Among these, there is the scissor: assume the supine position, raise one leg trying to bring it perpendicular to the floor and hold the position for a few seconds. While bringing the leg down, always controlling the movement, start the exercise with the other. Easy to perform, this women's lower ab exercise is super effective!

© iStock

The ideal diet for women who want to have sculpted abs

Forget plain chicken and rice: the diet for women who want abs doesn't have to be without taste and flavors! What you need to do is concentrate for a month and eliminate food only temporarily: remember to always avoid excesses, or your metabolism will stop working and you will not be able to lose weight!
In order not to deprive yourself of the joy of food, here are some food substitutions you could benefit from:

- instead of bread and white pasta, choose wholemeal
- eliminate fizzy drinks, prefer real tea
- cow's milk cheeses are not good today, try leaner ones, such as goat's

Also, stock up on these metabolism-boosting foods!

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