5 phrases that we no longer have to accept from men

Men respond, not all of them are clear, yet to some clichés that lead them to make claims that are now unacceptable to us women. We are no longer dependent on our men, neither in space, nor in travel, nor economically, nor morally, thanks to those women who fought for their independence. The line between constructive criticism and offensive comment is sometimes very thin, and we can no longer accept certain phrases, on the contrary, we must first teach our men respect for women, also because we have learned to defend ourselves, look:

1. "You can't do it because it's a man's thing!"

An example? To park. Making holes in the walls. Repair the sink. Dribble. In short, the "men's things". In almost 2018, however, we women know how to do many "men's things", alone, independently. A struggled independence, so we prefer to hear ourselves say: "if you can't, I'll help you do it". And our response will not be a "go to that country" but a "thank you".

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2. "But what does it take to clean the house?"

The stepmother said to Cinderella! 1) if you ask me, it's because you never did it? 2) why should I just worry about it? 3) Beautiful, the Middle Ages are over, wake up and learn to live. idea of ​​an outdated role or in any case the idea that this type of thing does not also concern men.

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3. "But how did you dress? Aren't you too flirtatious tonight? You look like a ..."

But how you will have dressed yourself! Unless it is a hot phrase to warm up the evening (and you should doubt it anyway), any criticism about clothing, about the choice of how to look, we cannot passively accept it. Everyone chooses in a personal way how to be: and no man can offend us for this.

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4. "You can't ..."

"You can't betray me", ok. "You can't go out like this", "go out with friends", "hang out with this colleague", "do this job", "go to the gym" ... and so on, these "can't" are inadmissible. No man should ever stop us from living the life we ​​imagine and desire for ourselves. No one is in control of our choices, and we should never choose to leave the control to a third party. Today we can choose for ourselves and also provide for ourselves: you can't stop me from being strong.

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5. And then the "if I would be ..."

An unacceptable classic to be answered only: "if I would be crazy, I could accept this statement."

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Also because, today women reach very high peaks, without any man having to look after them, look:

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