October 23 zodiac sign: the cusp between Scorpio and Libra!

Each zodiac sign can be classified on the basis of some specific adjectives that outline the peculiar traits of the character. Those born on October 23 are of the zodiac sign of scorpio, but in reality they belong to the cusp which means that those born on this day take character traits of scorpio and also of libra. Discover all the adjectives to describe the personality of each sign of the Zodiac by watching this video!

  1. October 23 zodiac sign: under the sign of Scorpio
  2. October 23 zodiac sign: sensual, jealous and adventurous
  3. 23 October zodiac sign: the Libra-Scorpio cusp
  4. · October 23 zodiac sign: compatibility and incompatibility

October 23 zodiac sign: under the sign of Scorpio

Everyone is born under a zodiac sign, which indicates where the Sun was at the time of its coming into the world. The ascendant indicates the way in which one shows oneself to others and in which one behaves and corresponds to the zodiac sign which rose to the east at the time and place of birth (obviously taking into account the latitude and longitude of the latter). The zodiac signs of Western astrology are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Aries from 21/03 to 20/04 is a sign of Fire, cardinal ; Taurus from 21/04 to 20/05 is a fixed sign of Earth; the Gemini from 21/05 to 21/06 a sign of "Air, mobile; Cancer from 22/06 to 22/07 a sign of" Water, cardinal; Leo from 23/07 to 23/08, a fixed sign of Fire; Virgo from 24/08 to 22/09, a mobile sign of the Earth; Libra, from 23/09 to 22/10, a sign of Aria, cardinal; Scorpio from 10/23 to 11/22, a fixed sign of Water; Sagittarius from 11/23 to 12/21, a mobile Fire sign; Capricorn from 22/12 to 20/01, an Earth sign, cardinal; l "Aquarius from 21/01 to 19/02 a sign of Air, fixed; Pisces, from 20/02 to 20/03, a sign of Water, mobile. The whole astral picture obviously gives a vision of the personality of each all round, complete, but even the day of birth alone adds particular characteristics, defects, qualities, inclinations.If we analyze the main aspects of the personality of those born on October 23 regardless of the year, obviously we must take into account the personality of the zodiac sign they belong to, that is Scorpio. This water sign, surrounded by mystery is often described as a charming personality, but deceptive, sometimes even cruel and too vindictive. Above all, Scorpio men are reputed to be dangerous and bad faith seducers. But like all zodiac signs, Scorpio also has qualities and defects. Its natural element is l " Water, but two male planets, Mars and Pluto, dominate Scorpio, making it combative, arrogant, persevering, decisive and ambitious. It is a physically and temperamentally strong sign. One of his fundamental flaws is his tendency to isolate himself, also compromising family and sentimental relationships. He has a dominating, intelligent, determined character, but he is obstinate, intolerant, often attacks and defends himself aggressively.

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October 23 zodiac sign: sensual, jealous and adventurous

Those born on October 23 belong to the first category of Scorpio. If you were born on October 23, you have the most typical characteristics of Scorpio, you are a sensual type, but very jealous; you show a certain narcissism even in the look and you are sought after by friends and relatives. Your birthday indicates a propensity to adapt and become attached to people. At work you don't want to be stressed, even at the cost of not making a career. The gold color gratifies you, for you it indicates the prize, the honor. You do not want a monotonous life, you want to have new experiences, even in love, you love adventure, novelty, wealth, every kind of change, also because you suffer the influence of Mercury. The natives in the cusp between Libra and Scorpio acquire the characteristics of both signs; they have a fertile, creative and intuitive mentality. Mars and Pluto, their ruling planets, give them eroticism and the capacity for seduction, but little romanticism If your birthday is October 23, according to astrological beliefs, your guardian angel is Yelaiah, who symbolizes daring, courage, the strength to overcome everything. You certainly have passion, magnetism, instinct, artistic sense and sixth sense; you are responsible and know how to do your duty. As defects, you may often feel a grudge, forgive with difficulty, and tend to jealousy and revenge. Like all those born on October 23, you are sociable in interpersonal relationships, but you also know how to be very critical, you do not like the company of mediocre, indolent, inefficient individuals and you are even cold towards them. You communicate well with friends and acquaintances, but sometimes you tend to plagiarize other people, to impose your will. In love you are very possessive and you control who is close to you, often affecting the sentimental relationship.

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October 23 zodiac sign: the Libra-Scorpio cusp

Sometimes those born on this day cannot find a true inner balance, because they are carried away by opposite impulses. The influence of the sign of "Air, Libra, brings them harmony, but Scorpio influences them more, making them so sincere as to be almost rude and brutal and causing problems in friendship and romantic relationships. If your date of birth. it is in the Libra-Scorpio cusp, you have a magnetic charm and you are a very intuitive person. You have two opposing energies in your inner self: you are fiery, instinctive, sensitive, but also friendly, with a sense of duty and outgoing. Who is born like you in the cusp, that is in the passage from one zodiac sign to the other usually acquires characteristics of both signs. Those born on 23 October feel less the influence of Libra, but in their personality characteristics of both the "Air" and "Water" signs are mixed equally. For cusp we mean three days before and three days after the change of sign In fact, this cusp runs from October 19th to October 25th.

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October 23 zodiac sign: compatibility and incompatibility

Due to the influence of Venus and Pluto, those born on October 23 are often incompatible with some zodiac signs. The ideal and you were born on this date is to join a Cancer, a Pisces or a Taurus. Libra and Scorpio could also be at least a little compatible: the sign of Air brings balance and justice, but the violent frankness of Scorpio can cause clashes in love relationships even with the sign of Libra. Venus, the planet of Aphrodite, forms the personality of Libra, Pluto that of Scorpio. Influences mix, leading the native to search for truth in every field. When the date of birth is found in the cusp, but closer to Libra, it is compatible with the signs with which Libra is compatible and that is Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius and Aquarius. If, on the other hand, it is closer to Scorpio with the signs compatible with this water sign: Cancer, Capricorn, Virgo, Pisces. Scorpio has a strong attraction to Leo and Aquarius, but is incompatible with Gemini.
On this day Marco Agrippa, a Roman general, and Pelé, a star of international football, were born. Here comes your leadership charisma again.

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