How to ask for a raise?

Find out about your salary possibilities

- First of all, do not expect to raise your salary already at the time of hiring. You must deserve the increase! So wait at least for a semester to pass before applying for it.

- To make sure you get a raise, make sure your business is profitable. Find out about turnover, growth and development prospects.

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- Study the salary grids for your peers who have the same experience as you and who work in the same region as you. You can find this information in newspapers, on the internet or even in collective agreements.

- You can expect, on average, an increase that can range from 5 to 15%.

Choose the right time to ask

- The annual interview seems like the ideal opportunity. But you won't be the only one asking for a raise. More than on this occasion, you will have a better chance that your application will be successful, if you choose an atypical period to ask it: your increase may even be higher.

- If you change your job or if you are given new responsibilities you can better justify your increase.

Choose your interlocutor

- Contact your supervisor directly. Try to anticipate the reactions of your interlocutor by imagining what could happen.

- Prepare examples that show how useful you are for the business.

- Quantify the profit of your businesses.

- Make a list of new tasks that may be entrusted to you.

During the interview

- The content: it begins by exposing what you have brought back to the company, what you have achieved. Next, present your future goals. Finally, talk about the figures without imposing an amount.

- The shape: adopt a winning attitude! Be positive from the start and, above all, smile: this will prove how motivated you are. Be determined, but not aggressive. Dialogue is important: listen to your interlocutor to understand their vision of the work.

Mistakes to avoid

- Avoid conflicts.

- Absolutely avoid starting by talking about figures, let your interlocutor propose an amount.

- No blackmail like: "If you don't give me the raise, I'll go!". If you then fail to implement these threats, you will lose your credibility.

- Nothing compares with other employees, it would mean criticizing the work of your interlocutor.

In case of refusal:

- Try to get other types of benefits: extra holidays, more flexible hours, company car ...

- Ask to acquire more responsibilities. This way you will understand how important you are to your supervisor. After 6 months or a year you can ask for a raise again.

- If nothing changes within the next 6-12 months, you will decide whether to stay or change jobs ...

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