15 things you would only talk about during a night at home with friends

Now that Fifty Shades of Gray it is downloadable, it is the ideal time to invite friends, uncork a bottle of wine and admire Jamie Dornan's abdominal performances. But, first of all, let's see what are the really personal things we would only talk about during an evening at home with friends.

One could well compare a Friday or a Saturday spent at home with close friends to a religious rite. One of those epic evenings that have the power to make us feel completely reborn and rejuvenated.

Those evenings give us the opportunity to let our hair down, both figuratively and literally. That's when the deepest and most sincere conversations take place. #NessunFilter.

So here is a list of everything that happens during a girls night at home ...

1. All our faults are discussed in detail

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© Meme Generator

Basically we expect our friends to tell us "you are obviously beautiful!" and share their faults with solidarity.

2. How much we should all quit and travel the world

Because we are young, free and you only live once. Ana and Christian could happen to us, OK? Dreaming doesn't hurt!

3. The things we do in the bedroom

We are not on the level of Ana and Christian, but we have our moves. We are sure that you are dying to know them, but no. This type of conversation is reserved for BFFs.

4. How's it really going with our kids

On social media we talk about it lightly, but we can be sure that we will tell our friends the REAL version.

5. Men. Point.

Maybe it's the stunning guy we meet on our way to work every day or maybe it's the fantasies we have about Jamie Dornan as Christian Gray. It's probably Jamie Dornan ...Wait just a moment while we pause.

6. "Do you remember when ...?"

We have all done some embarrassing things that we would like to forget. But, coincidentally, our best friends were there, and they will NEVER let us do that ... Otherwise what are friends for?

7. Our best "techniques"

If you share it is because you care.

8. That we poked around on our boyfriend's Twitter page

To give him a hand, that's all. There's nothing wrong.

9. That our life is a disaster

Our life on Instagram is PERFECT, but our friends know the thousand ups and downs we go through in life. As long as they are ready to provide us with moral support, we will have no problem talking to them about when we made mistakes. In practice, continuously.

10. Embarrassing moments at work

Like the time we accidentally said "Okay mom" to our boss before we put down the phone. That's right ... The friends will help us. * Here's another glass of wine *

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11. Squats, squats and more squats

If we will ever be as beautiful as we would like, for sure it will be because we will attend a gym, ASSIDUALLY! And if one of us discovers the secret of a breathtaking body, you can BET that she will share it with friends.

12. How easy life was

Hangovers. Bills. Wrinkles. Where did they come from and WHY do they hate us so much ?!

13. We texted our ex while we were drunk and he didn't answer us.

14. Our ex's new girlfriend

She's nice, we know, but we can't help but think we're the best. Quite right? RIGHT?

15. That time your boyfriend asked you 'you-know-what'

And we laughed in his face. Fools.

Fifty Shades of Gray is available for download today on iTunes ahead of the DVD release scheduled for May 27, 2015. Also check out the incredible extras in advance, including an exclusive behind-the-scenes, music videos and Fifty Shades preview. of black.

What do we talk about during an evening at home with friends? We want to know! Send a tweet to @alfemminile_com

See also:
The Summer To-Do List: 50 Experiences To Live This Summer
Forbidden pleasure: 15 reasons to watch Fifty Shades of Gray tonight

Go to the special of 50 shades in collaboration with alfemminile

Tags:  Actuality Women-Of-Today Parenthood