"I'm looking for a soul mate": a young manager offers 10,000 dollars to whoever introduces it to him

How about moving to California, specifically Orange County, exactly where the show O.C. was set? The surname is the same as Seth, but they are not related. Joe Cohen is a very busy manager, probably rich, and good looking. But his hectic life does not allow him to make many meetings that are not working, and therefore he can not find his soul mate. Yet it does not seem bad at all ...

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So what did the young 30-year-old manager do? He has well thought of putting an announcement as the best headhunter would do: "I offer 10 thousand euros to anyone who introduces me to a soul mate". Of course, it must be admitted that the boy's claims are not even impossible: the girl in question must be between 20 and 30 years old, be physically handsome, open-minded and intelligent, but not taller than 1.75. And if it were also of his religion, that is Jewish, it would be perfect.

Joe, for his part, describes himself as a lovable, intelligent person, a lover of trekking and travel. And of course, if he is willing to give 10 thousand euros so d'emblée to those who manage to introduce him to his ideal woman, we would think that he is not so poor. And above all that he is very busy if he cannot find her on his own.
How about? We try? Think about it and, in the meantime, let's always remember that America (but not only), has always produced some nice pupils, like these ...

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